Here's Josh and I on Christmas morning at my parent's house. Don't we look awesome? :)
It was so much fun seeing our nieces. They are around a year and a half old, give or take a couple months. Olvyia is older than Ariana by a couple months, so that's the give or take part of the equation. Here's Josh with Ari. It's rare to capture these girls smiling perfect for a picture. This one's not a complete smile, but Josh cooperated, so I was happy.
Here's my sister and her hubby each with Ari. Ari looks more like Tony I think, but there are times when she totally looks like Sara.
Let's see, what other pictures do I have of Ari? Oh by the way, I didn't necessarily take all these pics. Josh took some of them, and we also traded with pics with Steve and Eden, so I'm posting some of theirs. They took way more pictures than we did. Anyway, here's a close up Ari-girl eating (or being distracted) in her high chair, and the next one is Ari, the monster-baby!
Here's some of Olyvia, or Lyvie. Look at that gorgeous profile! And those eyelashes--I'm so jealous :)
Doesn't she look so much like her daddy? And I like the next one too, cause someone caught her smiling for the camera.
This next one is Lyvie's version of giving me a hug. She comes at you normal enough, but right at the last second, she bends in half and sticks her head into you. She gets her arms up and all, so I think she just likes to hug short people :) Or perhaps she was trying to hug the baby.
Who me? Get into trouble? No way! I was, uh, just organizing the cabinet. Yeah, that's it.
And here's a couple shots of the girls together. They played nicely for the majority of the time. They gave each other hugs and shared toys (sometimes). They both loved playing the piano, or playing with anything else noisy for that matter. Here is Ari mid-speech on the tales of her sippy cup and Lyvie trying on Uncle Josh's sneakers. Don't think she'll ever grow into those.
This picture was taken right as they were fighting over a book. I don't remember the details, but it involved each gal swiping the book from each other and lots of tears following suit. I wish I had caught it on video, cause a couple seconds later Tony smacked Ari's hand and told her no and she kept on trying to get the book. Then Tony says, Ari, do you want another smack? And she stops, sticks out her bottom lip and looks all pitiful while slowly shaking her head no. It was so priceless, cause she completely understood what he was saying to her. It makes me realize how fast these girls are growing up.
And here are a couple random pictures of big people. Yes, there were adults present. It's just more fun to snap pictures of the kids :)
I still have more blogging to do, but I need a break. My feet are swollen today. I mean, I've heard of swollen ankles, but swollen feet? My toes look fat! So I need to go put my feet up. I have baby shower pictures to post, as well as a sixth-month belly picture, so I'll get to them soon. Never fear.
Yay! I've been waiting for you to blog about Christmas! :)
Aww, Canyon is such a cutie! I love beagles, but I could never own one--the howling would drive me nuts. :)
Love that first pic of you and Josh. You're so nutty.
I have a similar pic of Ari and Josh, except Ari truly is smiling. I thought I posted it in my blog, but it seems I didn't. I'll have to send it to you.
Ha, I love the monster-baby one--she really does look evil, huh?
And I love the one of the girls fighting--that's a classic.
And who's that weirdo in the background of Dave and Jess's pic? ;)
Love you, sis! Can't wait to see more pics!
(Oh, by the way, I am SO stealing some of these pics for my blog... hee hee. :)
I'm sooo glad you blogged about Christmas at last! I've been checking everyday! Now I can't wait to see your post about your shower! It was alot of fun, wasn't it? Now go put your feet up! I've never had swollen toes! That must be so uncomfortable! Do your shoes fit? I hope your swelling goes down soon!
Looks like you guys had fun Christmases in both states! I love the ornament idea...I'm going to start that tradition when we start adding to our family!
Oh, I forgot to say... my feet got swollen, too. I definitely had the swollen ankles, then feet... but I don't remember my toes swelling, though I'm sure they did. It got to the point where I didn't want to look down at my feet because they were so puffy. I didn't realize how bad it was till it all finally went away after I had Ari--then I was like, "Whoa--my feet/ankles were HUGE!" :)
Glad you posted about Christmas. I love the ornament idea! I've been collecting the Fairy Messenger ornament series since Christmas 05, for Olyvia.
Love the pics you chose, except Pete and me are feeling left out of the celebration. :-( lol
Look forward to seeing the ornament you got this year on a Christmas post this coming Dec.
Love you guys.
Dylan just fell asleep so I can post! :) Love the pics of the kiddies(and the puppy). Glad u had fun in CT w/ ur fam!
I never got swollen feet during my pregnancy, just afterwards, but it went down (I know, weird).
How are your feet?
What a cute doggie!! Whose is it? That is a funny picture of Josh's dad with the snowman. I love all the kiddie pictures - especially the one of the Olyvia and Ari "fighting" - ha! That Olyvia profile shot is a really good picture too!!
Sorry to hear about your feet. I hope they feel better!!
I want to see swollen feet pics! Yes this is your annoying big brother, Dave. No, I am kidding. For real, I don't want to see your feet.
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