I had a doctor's appointment last week. They tested me for gestational diabetes, so I had to drink this sweet stuff before I arrived. It really wasn't that bad. It was like drinking flat soda pop. Only the aftertaste is more syrup-y. I chose fruit punch flavor, the other option was orange. So they took my blood and the doc told me that no news is good news, and I never got a call from them! So yay, one less thing to worry about! My blood pressure was good, and he said the baby is growing nicely (I coulda told him that one). So basically everything is normal and boring, which is the way we want it. I see him in three weeks, and then every two weeks after that. I'm really getting near the end here. Josh says that it seems so close, but then, April also seems so far away at the same time.
We've been doing some preparation lately. We bought the crib and changing table the other day, which meant we had to de-clutter the second bedroom so there'd be space. Josh's parents are storing our guest bed for us, otherwise there would be nowhere to put this stuff. So I helped Josh put together the furniture, and I got a little teary-eyed when it was finished. It makes it seem more real, you know? Now I'm in the process of organizing the gifts we've received so far. I'm trying to see what sizes I have and what I still need. It gets overwhelming when I look at the big picture, so it helps to tackle things one section at a time. And also to do it slowly, which is how I do pretty much anything these days. Just ask Josh when we walk together. He has to consciously slow down for me now, otherwise I'll be left in the dust.
I don't think I waddle yet. I'll have to ask Josh if I do. I did find myself putting my hand on my side, you know, the typical pregnancy stance. Josh told me I've been doing it for a while, but I just noticed the other day. By the way, with this pregnancy brain, I have more issues communicating than normal. I either can't explain myself well or I can't process what other people are saying to me.
Ok, so this kid is really active sometimes. Josh can feel him kick a lot (and I can too of course), and we both watch my belly move from the outside. It's kinda weird to see :) Our little guy has even given me a couple hard kicks at night while I was trying to fall asleep. It sorta hurt, but I think it startled me more than anything.
Josh and I have some things we joke about when it comes to my growing size. Don't worry, I invented them and he hasn't made me cry. You know in the movie Finding Nemo that Dory can speak whale? Well, since I feel like one sometimes, Josh has to speak to me in whale just so I will understand him :) Oh, and the other day he helped me get off the couch, and I told him it was like raising the Titanic! I know, I'm hilarious :)
After all my ramblings and updates, I'll end with my sixth month belly picture. The top I'm wearing was a gift from my mom-in-law. Thanx Mom!

I am very proud of you for all the posts you've been doing! You'll just have to keep it up, because you've now spoiled us! lol
Oh, you'll be hold BC in your arms soon. I'm so excited for you!
Are your feet still swollen? Did I have swollen feet? I honestly don't remember.
Praise the Lord you don't have GD!!! I've been praying you wouldn't because it's hard. I'm hoping that with the next one, I don't have it. A lot of it will depend on my weight, which is why I'm desperately trying to lose all of this blubber (you mentioned whales).
April will be here before you know it! Steve and I are already tssing around B-day ideas for Lyvi. lol
Oh, I can't wait to see pics of the crib and the changing table! It will looks great with the awesome Mickey and Friends decor that you are going with!
Ahh, the good old waddle! If you're not doing it yet, you will soon! lol
That's so awesome that you and Josh are getting to experiece BC's movements!!! I'm jealous! No, I'm not, but it does make me sad that Steve and I missed out on that with Olyvia.
Love your jokes! It's good to have a good laugh/humor about yourself.
LOVE! Love your new top! It's cute! And you are glowing!
Love you guys!
Ditto on your top being beautiful & you glowing!! You look absolutely radiant!! Before long your precious little son will be here & you'll be glowing even more!! Josh will have to wear sunglasses!! Kudos on the mention of the Titanic!! Are you my daughter or what?! :) Have I told you lately that I love you & am so proud of you?? :)
That top is too adorable!! They are making some cute maternity clothes these days...nothing like when my mom was pregnant. Talk about blackmail pictures (no offense, Mom!). Anyway, it's good to hear boring news, we wouldn't have it any other way. Keep up the good work and April will be here before you know it!
Yeh, you ARE awesome! Are you going to post every day from now on? :D
Glad to hear you don't have GD. I had no choice of flavors, so I had to drink the orange. I hate orange drinks to begin with, and then that awful taste--blech. I'm just glad I passed the first time, so I didn't have to do it again.
Good to hear you got the crib and changing table. Are you going to post pics of the baby's room? (You totally should!)
I literally laughed out loud when you talked about Josh speaking whale--that is SO funny! :D
That is a great pic of you--you look fantastic, and that shirt is tres cute.
Love you, sister--you're better than a blister! :D
I remember trying to get on the socks and shoes (when I didn't wear slip ons) - such a pain!!
I remember that GD test - I had the orange kind - I don't think I got a choice or I'm sure I'd have chosen the fruit punch. Oh well, mine wasn't bad though.
Yay for getting some of your furniture!! April does seem far away - but it will go soooooooo fast. It's fun organizing everything too.
I know exactly what you mean about the losing the ablility to communicate - I am still suffering from that 9 months later!!
That is awesome that you are feeling a lot of movement!! It is so fun seeing it from the outside of your belly!!
I like your new top!! Looks good on you :-)
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