And this is the picture Josh took of me last night...

Man, I'm huge! Look at the size of that puppy! Several people at church have commented that I've popped out, and I think they are right. Even Josh said, after he took the picture, Man, you're getting big. And don't I know it. I cut my toenails yesterday, and it took so much energy to get down there and stay down there. And shaving my legs isn't a walk in the park anymore either. And when I hug Josh, my belly totally gets to him first. Last night he gave me a hug and we stood there for a while like that. Then he said, Hey, you're kid is kicking me! Our boy did that in bed a couple nights ago as well. I curled up behind Josh and got comfy, and he could feel him kicking against his back. Good boy, I've taught you well ;)
I huff and puff when I put on my socks, tie my shoes, basically anything that has me leaning over for more than a milisecond. I took a walk yesterday afternoon, and I know I've slowed down quite a bit. I'm always reminded of that when I walk with Josh to the church doors or to our front door, cause he has to consciously slow down or leave me in the dust. Anyway, at the end of my walk, I slowed down even more. And yeah, I got the waddle down pretty good. It's not completely obvious, but when I'm tired, I can tell that I do it more. And I tried to walk regular, but it just isn't comfortable anymore.
And speaking of comfort, I get so frustrated with myself. Apparently I can't sit still for very long in one position. Sure I sit at home on the couch and put my feet up, but I get up to pee or answer the phone or readjust myself. At church it's a different story. There's really only one way I can sit in a pew anymore, and I start shifting around halfway through the sermon, trying to get comfortable but not succeeding. It frustrates me cause it distracts me from the sermon. It's not like I can cross my legs or put my feet up. I can kinda tilt to the side and put my arm up on the pew, but then that means my belly is twisting, so that doesn't last very long.
Even though it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm really not. What I mean is, I don't mind these discomforts. Ok, I do at the time, but overall I'm glad to be pregnant. In fact, I can honestly say I enjoy being pregnant. That could be due to the fact that I had virtually no morning sickness at the beginning, or that it's just now starting to get uncomfortable, instead of two months ago, but whatever. I've been healthy when I've gone to see the doctor, haven't been too emotional (I promise! Don't believe me? Ask Josh, except for a handful of moments here and there, he's had it pretty easy), and I haven't gained enormous amounts of weight... yet ;).
I have to tell you about some of the food I've been having. Last night I had Josh get me a slice of cheese, and then I wanted graham crackers to munch on. No, I didn't eat them at the same time. And today I had Oreos for lunch, followed by a hot dog :). That was just a side note. Moving on..
Josh and I are really excited about this baby coming, and we want to see him now! We wish it was April already, so we could dive right into the parenting thing. I'm sure I'll cry a lot, but we'll also have much to laugh about. I know we'll be tired, and I'll be recovering from labor and delivery (yeah, I'm trying not to think about that too much), but we're ready for the challenge. There's only so much we can read about. Much will be trial and error, but we want to do it, with all the ups and downs that come with it. I mean, this is our little boy. A son that God created specifically for us, you know? He'll look like us, have portions of our personalities. It's really neat to think that God already knows when he will get saved, who he will marry, what he will be when he grows up. That's looking far into the future, yet God knows the near future stuff too. God knows when he'll start sleeping through the night, what his first word will be, where his first steps will be. I can be confident that God is watching out for my little guy, and I know that means He's watching out for me too. He already knows all about my tears and what they will be over, He knows at what moments I'll be completely exhausted, He knows when I'll put the diaper on wrong and have a big mess to clean up, He knows when I'll doubt my ability to be a mother and a wife at the same time. How awesome is that? We don't know what's coming on the road, but God designed it for us, has travelled it before us, and He'll guide us as we walk on it. Boy, if that does't give you peace of mind, then I don't know what will.
"Look at the size of that puppy"? So, you're having a puppy now? ;)
I remember those days, when putting shoes on and shaving were a huge ordeal. And I remember never being able to get comfortable. Think of my job--it involves sitting at a desk all day long. I would squirm so much! And I'm a naturally fidgety person anyway, lol. I remember trying to rig a set-up so I could elevate my feet (with an upside-down trash can), but that didn't help either.
I'm glad you're enjoying pregnancy. I can't say I loved it, but I didn't totally hate it either. I never got to a point where I was like, "Get this kid out of me"--mostly because I was so terrified of labor and delivery. But like I've told you before--if I can do it, YOU can do it. :)
I love your last paragraph. I'm not even pregnant, but that made me get teary-eyed. :)
Love you, sis!
Well if shaving poses an effort, don't shave! :) That part will be easy for me...shaving the legs is very overrated in my book.
You look good and April will be here before you know it. I'm looking forward to May and if that is coming quickly, April is coming even quicker!
Mary, I love what you said in the last paragraph! It made my eyes well up with tears, too. You've definitely popped! I always enjoyed being pregnant...I guess that's why I had 5 kids, huh? ;)
Your baby will be here before you know it! I'm sure you'll need more help opening your presents @ your next baby shower! Enjoy every minute of this special time in yours & Josh's life! Next time how about a picture of both the mommy-to-be & the daddy-to-be!?
It's crazy how much that little boy has grown in only a month!! You look great. I enjoyed being pregnant too. It's just the most amazing thing having a life growing inside of you. Something only God could have designed!! I can't wait for April either - except that means Isabella will be a year old - that just doesn't seem possible!!
Wow, you are getting big (like I should talk, I was HUGE being only 5 feet tall). Can't wait to see the little guy (and what you'll be naming him lol).
Loved your last paragraph---God's sovereignity never ceases to amaze me. That He has established all things from the foundation of the world and He knows all things before time (as we know it) began (Ephesians 1). Every night I pray for Dylan's salvation that the Lord will bring him to Himself. Knowing the Lord is in control of all things (even the bad though its hard to accept at times yet all things work for good) gives us so much peace as I hope it will do for you and Josh.
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