For lunch, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and it hit the spot. It's such a timeless sandwich. I used to eat it all the time when I was a little kid, and I don't eat it very often anymore. But when I was thinking about what to make myself for lunch today, a good ol' PB & J sounded yummy. Oh, it was so good! Maybe I'll make another one if I get hungry later on. If I get hungry-- ha! That's a joke. More like when I get hungry.
Ok, I need to stop talking about food. Last night I didn't sleep very well. I woke up every two hours. I wasn't too surprised though. Josh is away on business, and I typically don't sleep as well when he is gone. I stay up later to get myself more tired for bedtime, and that works most of the time. But last night just didn't go well. The first time I woke up was from a dream. A bad dream. I woke up scared. Wanna hear about it? For those of you who don't know, I have weak teeth. I've got tons of fillings, one crown, and I recently broke a tooth that will need to be crowned after the baby's born. Well, I dreamed that all my teeth were dying and rotting away. Every time I bit down on something I would lose an entire filling and have this huge ugly hole in my mouth. Or, massive chunks of teeth would break off and I was in so much pain. This doctor was checking me out, and I had saved all the things that had broken off so he could find a way to reattach them. When I woke up I thought this all had really happened, so I reached for my mouth to assess the damage. My teeth did hurt, but that's probably cause I was tense while sleeping. But all my teeth were there. I felt them with my fingers and my tongue several times, just to make sure everything was ok. Then since I was up, I went to the bathroom. Two hours later I had to go to the bathroom again, and two hours after that I woke up as well, but I didn't go anywhere. I was too cozy to move.
Oh, I had another dream last night too, but this one was more pleasant. I dreamed we were having twins! There was this mini TV on my belly that showed the two faces very clearly in black and white. One kid looked just like Josh, and the other one looked just like me. Sorry, I don't know if they were boys or girls or one of each. All we saw were their faces :) I honestly don't think we are having twins. I would have a much bigger tummy by now if that was the case. But we do get to find out the sex of the baby very soon! I can't wait!! :)
By the way
11 years ago
I can't wait to find out which sex the baby is either! Or should I be more proper & say "gender"? I had nightmares when I was pregnant, too, some really weird ones! Guess you take after me. :)
Ooooh, freaky dream! I'm terrified of any kind of mouth pain, so a dream like that would be a true nightmare. And I'd probably check all my teeth when I woke up, too!
I once had a dream when I was pregnant that Ari was born like a toddler--she was fully clothed and walking and talking like an adult. Oh, and she was a boy, lol. Strange!
I can't wait to find out boy/girl either! :D
Those are some wierd dreams, Mary! lol I'm sure I had some strange dreams while preggie with Olyvia, but my mind is drawing a blank. lol
We're going to see Cirque du Suleil: Kooza on the 17th of this month. We're very excited! We've never been, but Sara and Tony went twice (I believe) while we were in CT and they always raved about how wonderful it was, so we determined that if we were ever near it, we would go.
Anyway, it's going to be showing in San Fransisco. SF is only 2 hours north of us and we've yet to go. So, we'll be on an adventure!! Olyvia will be staying with one of our couple frieds overnight.
We love and miss you guys! Oh, we'd love to know what you are having!!!
PB&J - yum!! I love PB&J. That would be crazy if you had twins - especially now that you dreamed it. But I guess you're pretty safe in knowing it's just one since you've seen the ultrasound!! Well, I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl!! :-)
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