Boy, it went by so fast :) We got to hang out with all of Josh's family, including his sister who's on break from college and his other sister (and her husband) who recently moved a little far away. We had turkey, an awesome ham (good job, Beka!) and all sorts of yummy side dishes: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, broccoli casserole, dinner rolls, stuffing, cranberry sauce--it was a feast fit for a king :) I brought deviled eggs to the table and made banana pudding for dessert. Pumpkin pie was also a dessert--you gotta have pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. Then later on we all played Catch Phrase and had so much fun laughing together. I, unfortunately, was still fighting a cold this week, but I still had a good time. I just wasn't my usual energetic self. You should have heard me coughing--it was terrible! Josh and I had thought about sleeping over, but we decided to go home cause I was sick and pregnant, and there weren't tons of stores we wanted to get up early for the next day. We still went Black Friday shopping, make so mistake. We went to Lowe's when it opened at 6am for some maglight flashlights. We walked around Target and Kohls, and they were so busy with hurrying people and long lines. I'm glad we didn't need anything from there. We went to our Christian bookstore to pick up a CD, and we also hit KMart for some Christmas gifts for someone in the family. Oh yeah, we also had breakfast at Bob Evans, our favorite, and I got coffee and it was so warm and tasty... yum!
We also went to Carter's where we picked out an adorable outfit for our little guy. It's a 9-month size, so he can't wear it right away, but I thought it would look good if we decided to get some professional pics of him sometime. Isn't it cute? The little baseball cap is my favorite :)

Later that day we spent time with Josh's family some more and even helped with the Christmas decorations. We can't wait until we have a house and can decorate the outside with lights. Which brings us to today, Saturday. We did our Christmas decorating today and played music while we unloaded boxes and hung ornaments. I had so much fun pulling out my gingerbread man collection and finding places for them around the room. The one pictured here is a cookie jar. He's one of my favorites cause he just looks so fat and cheery. And this is our tree--tomorrow will be one month until Christmas!! It's coming fast!

Isn't it fun to have huge get togethers for the different holidays!!! Now, I'm hungry with all the talk about food at the beginning of your post! lol
Love the little outfit for our little nephew!
The gingerbread jar is soo cute and love your Christmas tree!
We put up our tree on Thanksgiving night, but I'm still not done decorating the house.
We clicked on the pic of the tree, so we could see it at a enlarged size and we can see the gingerbread ornaments we gave you last year! lol
We love you guys and we'll see you in less than a month!!!!
LOVE your Christmas tree! Is it the corner near your table? We're putting our tree up today, too! Actually it's up now but we're waiting for Pete to get home from work to decorate it with him! Can hardly wait to have the 3 of you here NEXT month!! Merry early Christmas!
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. I missed out on Black Friday shopping this year, but got to sleep in, so it was a good trade. I definitely want to go next year, though! All that madness is really fun.
Can you believe you'll be here in less than a month?! Yay!
Aww, I love that outfit! It's perfect for professional picutres.
We haven't put up our Christmas decorations yet, we'll probably do that this weekend. Your tree looks so full and festive! We still have our tabletop tree my Grandma got us after we were married. We won't graduate to a big tree until we have a house...and the room!
Love the outfit!! Too cute!! Way to go on getting your tree up - looks great!!
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