Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Food News

So Matthew's been doing pretty good with his baby food. At 6 months old I fed him solids once a day, for dinner. Then when he turned 7 months old, I added another meal in, lunch. He doesn't always open his mouth very wide when he sees the spoon coming, and often he tries to suck the food off the spoon. He also likes to "help" us feed him. He tries to grab the spoon and put it in his mouth. Which is nice in theory, but it only adds to the mess. Cause he slides his hand down the spoon and gets the food all over his fingers. He's recently been holding our hand instead of the spoon, but he still tries to direct the spoon to his mouth, which again makes a mess. I know I know, it's supposed to be messy at the beginning, but it's still gross! Oh, and I try to hold his hands down, but I can usually only get one out of the way, which is why one ends up on the spoon or my hand.

Anyway, I wouldn't call him a hearty eater. He just eats what we give him, almost like he's doing it to appease us. He doesn't reject anything, but he's not in love with any of the foods either. But just the other day I think we hit a turning point. I got him all set up in his highchair, and I mixed prunes and rice cereal for him to eat (he'd never had prunes at this point). So I gave him a little taste, and he didn't even make a face. Then it was like I couldn't feed him fast enough. He was leaning his head forward just to get the food to his mouth sooner. I'm telling you, this kid ate at hyper-speed. I had mixed a lot by accident, thinking there would be leftovers, but he ate it all! And even after that, he still nursed his regular amount. Oh, prunes smell gross, by the way, but that didn't seem to stop him :) So, because he ate so fast and helped me feed him, there were prunes everywhere! On his forehead, on the highchair seat...so naturally I grabbed the camera before operation: clean-up. He graced me with this lovely face...

And here's come pics of him on the bed again.

As you can see from this picture, he grabbed his foot and wanted to play with it.

And lastly, a video. This is funny to me, cause he's recently discovered that this hanging puppy is fun and makes noise. So he kept pulling on it over and over and was so pleased with himself.

One more thing, if anyone has an economical way to clean up a baby, please share the info with me. I seem to go through so many wipes or paper towels, but I can't think of a better way to clean him up. Ok, I'm done now. Bye!


Anonymous said...

Face cloth and warm water?

Steve and Eden said...

so glad he liked the prunes. Lyv did too.

Idea: Get a pack of diapers (the thin ones), cut them in half. Use one per day. Wet, wipe, rinse well in soapy water, reuse.

so excited about seeing you guys soon!!

Moz + Pam said...

How about a washcloth? Then you can just throw it in the wash!

Christi said...

That didn't look like prunes at all!! I guess when you mix it with rice it really changes the color!! How quickly we forget things...

I always tried to use washclothes to clean Isabella, but I just found it so much easier to use wet papertowels and just trash them. Otherwise I'd be wiping, running to the sink to rinse, wiping more, running back to sink, etc... til she was all clean. It does get better though when they get less messy!! I have recently started using a washcloth again.

Oh - I do remember using burp clothes and bibs (dry) to wipe up what I could off Isabella's face before going for the wet papertowel!! Probably saved a few papertowels anyway...