Well, we all now know that Senator Barack Obama is the president-elect, or elect-president, however they word it. Not my first choice, and certainly not even my second choice, but I keep reminding myself that the Lord is in control, and we have nothing to fear for that very reason. It just means we need to pray even more for our country and the leaders in charge of it. My husband called me today with some good news. Three states had a same-sex marriage ban issues/propositions proposed, and they all passed! Whoo-hoo!
And life is good in our little apartment. Yesterday Matthew took a 2-hour nap, and today he took a 2 1/2 hour nap :). Now I will admit that he didn't fall asleep on his own, but the good thing is that I didn't nurse him to sleep. He used to demand that of me, but I didn't like it, cause he would only nurse a little while and fall asleep before getting a full feeding in, and then if he woke up after 45 minutes he wouldn't stop crying until I fed him again. So nursing to sleep throws him off a schedule of sorts. And besides, he has his days where nursing to sleep doesn't work, so then the day is shot. I managed to get him to sleep just by rocking him in the rocking chair. And it wasn't a huge, drawn-out battle either. Both times he's been asleep within 15 minutes with little protest. Now I don't know if this trend will catch on with him, but I really hope we can stick to this. Cause the whole "teaching him to fall asleep on his own by crying it out" hasn't worked for nap time, so I'm happy if he gets a nap in, even if it means I have to rock him to sleep. Yes, he's still dependent on me to settle down and sleep, but he knows he's not going to nurse, so I'm happy about that. And he's a complete angel for bedtime too. That hasn't been an issue in a while.
It's been a great day. A sleeping child, the shining sun, the 70-degree weather (yes, I said 70, and I'm not lying either)--I think we'll go on a walk and enjoy the spring-in-November air before it disappears for good.
Yes, the Lord IS in control! Good thing we can count on Him! I'm glad Matthew is going to bed for you @ night. Cherish these times when you rock him to sleep. They are all too fleeting. Enjoy him while you can.
It was close to 70 here today... so nice! I don't even want to think about snow yet.
Funny, lately Ari has been totally perfect with naps, and a pain in the neck at bedtime. Maybe she and Matthew should compare notes. ;)
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