Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting Better

Matthew is on the mend. His cough still sounds loaded and phlegmy, but he's in good spirits and he keeps us laughing as usual. These last few days he's had no interest in eating his solid food. And I guess it was because he was sick. He had no problem nursing--I guess he enjoyed the comfort that came with it. Anyway, he seems to be getting back to liking his highchair and the baby food that comes with it, so it's all good. Ok, get ready for some pics and vids...
This is what he thinks of green beans.

Having fun in his crib

Playing with his musical aquarium

Trying out his new exersaucer

Lookin' sweet with his Daddy

Posing for the camera

String of drool!

We went to a wedding this weekend, and we weren't sure how Matthew would be, but he was totally fine during the ceremony. Plus is helped that it was a short ceremony, so he didn't have time to get upset or annoyed or whatever it is that babies do. He did well at the reception too. It was in the church's gymnasium, and he enjoyed looking at all the lights and all the people. I fed him a bottle while we were there, which essentially took a whole hour for him to eat. Yeah, you could say he was distracted.

What a pretty cake.

And I loved the cake topper.

Matthew having fun with Grammy.

And today was Sunday, Old-Fashioned Sunday at our church. We dressed up old-fashioned (or casual--I was in a jean skirt and plaid shirt, adorned with pigtails for the whole effect), and we had food and fellowship after the morning service, with no evening service. Matthew was totally wiped out from being there so long and not having a morning nap. He also got stepped on in the nursery by one of the toddlers. Needless to say he was not a happy camper at that moment. I made truffles for the fellowship, and they turned out pretty good. People liked them, but they were very messy to make, so I don't think I'll be making them again.

It's really boring to be at home on Sunday nights. We're so used to being at church that we took a trip to Wal-mart just so we had something to do. We looked at the Christmas stuff (we love to do that), but we did go with a purpose too. We got Matthew some more socks (hopefully these won't fall off his feet every 5 minutes) and we also bought him a couple pairs of shoes (to keep those feet warm when we take him outside)

Aren't they cute? The sneakers have Thomas the Tank Engine on the sides (Josh's favs) and I loved the brown ones, so we sprung for both. Oh, and guess what size they are...4! He probably doesn't need 2 pair, cause I'm sure he doesn't care if his shoes match his outfit, but this way if we lose a shoe, we've got a back-up pair and don't need to run out and get new ones right away.

Alright, I think I'm done babbling. Thanx for listening! (or reading, whatever) :)


Christi said...

I loved your pigtails this morning!! And I really really hope that Isbella isn't the one who stepped on Matthew. Poor little guy!!

Isabella and I both enjoyed watching the videos of Matthew - babies are just so fun to watch. :-)

Moz + Pam said...

What cute shoes! I'm sure you looked adoreable with pigtails, just like old times, huh? ;) How did Josh dress up for Old Fashioned Sunday?

Sara said...

I'm glad he's feeling better!

I love the exersaucer pic--it's like he's going "Wow! Check this thing out!" :)

Glad he did so well at the wedding.

Oooh, I like that wedding cake topper. ;)

Does your church not have service on Sunday nights anymore? Or do you just not go b/it's easier with Matthew? I feel like I should already know this...

Love the sneakers! The brown are my faves.... no offense, Josh, but I had all I could take of Thomas when Pete was little. :)

Grateful Grammy said...

I guessed right on the shoe size didn't I? Does the video mean he doesn't like green beans or he does like them? :)