I brought Matthew to the pediatrician today for his one month appointment. He'll be six weeks old on Thursday--can you believe it? He's getting so big. And speaking of his size, he's a whopping 13 pounds. That puts him in the 90th percentile. He's 23.5 inches long, and his head circumference is 16 3/4 inches. Oh, and just to update on something embarrassing (as Josh would say), his testicle has descended. As the pediatrician said, both his guys are present and accounted for :).
He's doing new things these days. They aren't huge feats, but they are exciting to me. His neck and back are getting so strong. When we burp him on our shoulders, he lifts his head and moves it all around. He even keeps it up for a while, but there are times where it doesn't last long. Cause hey, lifting that heavy head is hard work, you know? Sometimes when he lays on his back he'll tilt his whole body to one side, as if he's going to roll over, though I know that's not in the near future. Oh, he can also turn his head from side to side when he's laying down.
We've caught a couple smiles on camera, so don't worry, I'll share those with you. He's also starting to make noises other than crying. I don't know how to describe them, but it's like he's trying to talk, and a random little sound will come out. It's so cute!! Oh, and he gets all excited when Josh comes home and starts talking to him. He knows his daddy is fun and is gonna play with him.
He's really good at sleeping at night. He went six hours one night between feedings. I dont' think he was asleep that long. What I mean is, I fed him at 8 and he fell asleep at 10, and then he woke up at 2 to eat. So the fact that he didn't wake up earlier cause he was hungry was good. He also did seven hours one time as well. I'm really glad, cause I think it's a good sign that he's on his way to sleeping through the night. We only have to get up once, sometimes twice with him.
The thing he's not good at is falling asleep for bedtime. He fights it so hard sometimes. This kid definitely has a strong firstborn personality (just like his daddy). He does take daytime naps pretty well. He usually has to cry himself to sleep a little bit for those. Oh, and I don't know what it is, but Sundays do not agree with him. He's fine while he's at church, but that night he finds it hard to fall asleep, and it usually carries over into Monday. He's fussier for no reason and he can't stay asleep, and he wants to eat at weird times. I hoping he can adjust to the weekend somehow, with our help of course.
Ok ok, here are some pics. That's what you're here for anyway, right? ;)
Glad you had a good visit with your sister. Matthew is getting so big already. Hope you enjoy your upcoming visit with your Mom:)
I really like Matthew's green outfit with the teddy bear feet!! I think we're going with a teddy bear theme for our nursery so I'm always looking out for anything teddy bear. And Matthew's outfit is the cutest I've come across.
And that picture of him looking at Josh...adorable! He sure does love his daddy. You can see it in his look. Too cute. I still love those cheeks. I don't want a 9 pound baby to go with those cheeks, but your baby has the best looking kissing cheeks around!! I was holding my friend's 11 day old 7 pound baby and he didn't quite have those cheeks, but with 7 pounds what can you expect? He was so tiny and cuddly, though, so that made up for it!
I'm so glad you have fun with Sara and that you and Josh got to go out to breakfast! Now you'll have your parents there for the next round of visiting...fun!! Happy Mother's Day!
Thanks for posting all these new pics of Matthew...I love them all! Absolutely can't wait to meet, kiss, hold him! Only 2 more days to go! See you on Friday! That sounds great to me! Happy 6 weeks Matthew-boy!
You lazy bum! Hee hee. :)
Glad to hear that Matthew's appointment went well and that he's... uh... all put together now. :D
You're right, he is getting really good at holding his head up--I noticed that a lot when I was there.
I still say he slept so well at night because I was there. I'm such a good influence. ;)
I love the 3rd pic, where he has that little half-smile--too cute.
Tell him his Auntie Sara misses him!
OK, now that I'm back, there are more pictures showing, so it's not the 3rd pic... but I'm sure you can figure out which one I meant. ;)
Glad Matthew's appointment went well. He is such a cutie pie. Love the pics of him.
He's getting cuter every time u post! And what's a firstborn personality? hahaa
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!! And I'm glad to hear he's going longer with the sleeping!! He's so cute. My favorite pics are the first one - he looks so peaceful - and the one where he is looking right at the camera holding his head up!! The one of him and Josh looking at each other is really good too. He's got a cute little smile too :-)
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