So you see my previous entry title, Sleeping Beauty? Well, to play off that, I was able to get some beauty sleep last night. This child slept for six straight hours! Which, according to the books, for a baby this young, that's defined as sleeping through the night. And as extra proof, Josh woke up well-rested and in a great mood. He even put in his contacts! Which translates that his eyes weren't too tired to have them in. You contact-wearers can relate to that. Oh, so any sort of semi-schedule this kid has been on (and most days have been predictable, such as when he's gonna eat and sleep) was thrown out the window yesterday. His naps were erratic and short, and he would eat in three hours, then two hours, and then want to eat again in an hour and a half. And to top it off, he was grumpy and fussy for no apparent reason. Oh, and for one of his evening feedings, he ate for a whole hour! We figure he's going through spurt, because he usually isn't so unpredictable and cranky. So maybe sleeping through the night and having a rough day are directly related. If that's the case, then I'd rather he not sleep six hours until he is mature enough to handle it. I'd rather have my good-natured baby that wakes up once or twice at night. But hey, let's say they are not related. In that case, there was a silver lining at the end of the day. At least he didn't have a bad day and a bad night.
By the way
11 years ago
Well, he must have slept so well last night because he knew his super-cool Auntie Sara was here. :)
OK, I'm off to go see him in person instead of pics! (It's weird to be commenting on your blog when I'm at your house, lol.)
What a good boy! He must have known his Auntie Sara was in the next room! He's starting off the new month right! Way to go Matthew! Keep up the good work. Don't know if you know it or not, but I have a picture of each of you kids profile looking @ daddy just like your picture of Josh & Matthew. Kuddos on keeping up a family tradition! Happy 1 month little Matthew!
LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!!!!!!! I really hope our baby has cheeks like his, they will be sooo chapped from all the kissing they'll be getting. He's so expressive with his looks, too. I hope we can see him sooner rather than later! :)
Glad you got sleep! Very important! Love all the new pics and it's good to know that Sara made it safely to OH.
Love you guys.
That's great that he slept that long! I wanna squeeze his little cheekers! hehe
Yay for 6 hours of sleep!!! He'll be on a schedule before you know it :-)He does have some cute cheeks!!! And that first picture is great!!
That is exciting that he slept that long. You'll have a routine down soon. I hope you are having a good time with your sister:)
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