Matthew is growing and changing every day. He slept through the night again--it was awesome!! Now could we have come consistency with that, please? He smiles so much more now, and he makes cute little baby noises. Josh or I will be talking to him, and you can see in his face that he wants to communicate. So we pause from our talking and wait for him to comment. His whole body wiggles and his mouth moves in all different directions until finally a small noise or coo comes out. Sometimes it's very melodic, like he's trying to sing. Oh, he's even laughed in his sleep once or twice. I can't wait until he does it when he's awake. He's gonna be so adorable! He loves to look at all sorts of things, and he's starting to "discover" his hands, as the books say. He brings them to his mouth and he'll suck on his fist or a finger or two. He's even managed to get his thumb in a couple times. He hardly ever complains when he's getting his diaper changed, unless he's really hungry. It's nice that he knows diaper-changing is a positive, hence no crying. Oh, there have been a couple mornings where he doesn't wake up crying. It's like he's patiently waiting for me to pick him up. And another time that he doesn't cry is bathtime. He only cried for the first tub bath we gave him. After that, he decided that he likes it. I think the warm water calms him down.
He's much better about getting strapped into his car seat. He used to cry, but now he likes it cause he knows he's going somewhere. And he's good in the car. He'll either sleep or just look around, all nice and content. So far he does not like the Baby Bjorn we have. He gets all mad when we try to carry him around in it. I'm thinking he'll like it when he's older and can face out while he's in it. But for now we'll keep trying.
Like all babies who've been put on their backs to sleep since the hospital, he hates tummy-time. And who can blame him with that heavy head? I need to be more consistent in putting him on his belly so he can develop the right muscles for rolling over and crawling and all that good stuff. He loves to lay on his back on the floor and just look at things. Yes, I use a blanket, I don't put him directly on the dirty carpet. What kind of a first-time mom do you think I am? :) He also likes to lay in his boppy on the couch next to me, and he likes to lay in his crib too. There's been a couple times where he'll be laying in there and just fall asleep on his own. Now why can't he do that at bedtime? That is the million dollar question :). Oh, he loves to hang out on the changing table too, so I'll pull up the rocking chair so he can see me, and I'll play with him or read him a story.
He still sleeps in our room at night. The pack and play we got has a bassinet part to it, so we've been using that. But if I remember correctly, it's only supposed to be used for 15 lbs. or lighter, which means he'll have to start sleeping in his crib at night. This morning I took him on the scale with me, and it said he is 14.5 lbs!!
Breastfeeding is going well, though I'm still sore. I'm going to attempt to pump this weekend for the first time. We want him to take a bottle so he can be babysat for longer time periods. He's not a pacifier kid, so I don't know if he'll like a bottle or not. He might be more interested, since food will be coming from it. I'm a little worried that I've waited too long and he'll reject it all together. But I also didn't want to try bottle-feeding too soon and mess up with nursing. If he never takes a bottle, then oh well, that's life. But it would be nice to have a break from feeding him once in a while.
Oh, I just looked at the title of my blog and realized that I haven't written anything about my family's visit yet! My dad, mom, and brother drove here and stayed at our apartment with us for about a week. We had a great time together, and they loved meeting their first grandson and nephew. It was nice to have all the extra hands to hold him or push the stroller or do the dishes. We didn't do too much, since Matthew is still so young. We visited the Creation Museum, but Matthew didn't cooperate very well. Then we ate out at a restaurant, and again, Matthew didn't like it. Josh and I think he gets overstimulated when he's out and about with lots of noise like that. We still managed to eat out some other nights, we just used the To-Go menus that many restaurants have now. It's great, cause you don't have to wait as long, and you don't have to tip :). We had an outing at the mall, and my mom helped me get set up when I had to nurse him. My sister did the same thing for me when she visited the week before. I'm really glad for their help, cause it's very hard to juggle a squirming, hungry baby while trying to keep the blanket draped just right. Don't wanna give anyone a show, you know? :) Eventually I'll get better at the whole nursing in public thing. Practice makes perfect, right? Anyway, here are some pics from my family's visit.
This is Uncle Pete holding his nephew for the first time. Why is he laughing? Because Matthew greeted him with a very loud noise from his diaper (hee hee).
Grandma holding Matthew for the first time.
This was Grandpa's favorite way to hold him. He'd hold his hands and gently sway him side to side--Matthew loved it.
He wasn't exactly in the mood for pictures or kisses.
Josh's sunglasses didn't stay on Matthew's face for very long, but I was able to snap a quick picture of it. This was outside the Creation Museum. They had a nice garden area and lots of picnic tables.
We had a baby dedication on Sunday for the little guy. I got him these little khaki pants and a plaid button-down shirt. What an adorable little man!
Josh and his family. Matthew is fortunate to have a set of grandparents and some aunts living nearby.
Yeh, I can tell you from experience, girls aren't a piece of cake either--they are really good at the drama queen thing. But then again, since Matthew is a boy, you'll have to deal with him giving you heart attacks as he climbs and jumps off everything. ;)
I remember when Ari was first learning to make noise--it was jsut like you said, she'd open her mouth, move her tongue all around, and then finally make a little squeak. So much effort!
I'm glad he's liking his car seat and car rides more now. Does he still get mad when you go through drive-thru? ;)
Yay, you got Pete to hold Matthew! Was that the only time? ;)
I love the first pic of Mom--she looks so proud.
Dad always held Ari like that, too. :)
The pic of Mom and Dad kissing him is priceless--especially because of the look on his face.
Aww, I love the baby dedication pics. It's so cool that you were able to have both sets of grandparents and lots of aunts and an uncle there. :)
Love you, sis!
It was fun reading this blog & seeing the pics & reminiscing about our trip! We had a great guys are very hospitable! Thanks for having us & making us feel so welcome! Now we can hardly wait for September!
I am glad your family got to come visit.
I loved all the new pics. They are so cute. I especially love the one of your parents both kissing him. It is adorable!
Love ya!
He's getting so big! Dylan HATED tummy-time and I had to just keep doing it even though he didn't like it. Sooner or later they flip over anyway and decide they like it. Now we are dealing w/ the transition to the sippy cup...that's been hard! He's turning a year old tomorrow...can't believe it, it goes by so fast!
I'm glad you are enjoying motherhood, and I agree, it's a full-time job!
Girls are definitely not easy. Lyvi is an extremely energetic child and really doesn't have any fears. I always feel that my heart is going to explode when she's being daring. Just you wait. I'm sure Matthew will be even more extreme because he's a boy, though. lol Lyvi dives off the back of our sofa head-first. She swings from the sides of her crib and does these strange acrobatic flips off the side. She stands on the top of her toybox and attempts jumping from it to her little table. She succeeds at times. But then there are times that she misses and almost smacks into dangerous edges. Just writing about here gets my heart fluttering nervously. I seriously have no idea why she's never had to go to the ER. God grace, that's for sure.
I'm so glad that Dad, Mom and Peter got to come for a visit. I love the pic of Pete holding Matthew.
The pic of Dad and Mom kissing Matthew is extremely familiar. lol Do you know if there is one similar of them kissing Ari? If so, we should put all three pics up on our blogs!
The dedication looks beautiful and I love all the corsages. I'm so glad you and Josh were there for Lyvi's dedication.
Ok, I think my comment is long enough. lol
I'm trying to catch up, while Steve is away.
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