... to grandmother's house we go! And that's literal too. We visited Josh's grandma over the weekend, and you really have to go over the river and through the woods to get there. She was so excited to meet her great-grandson, and Matthew really enjoyed being there. It was a six-hour trip (well actually it was longer, since we had to stop for the baby), but he was a really good traveller. He slept pretty much the whole way and only woke up to eat and get his diaper changed. Here are some pictures from the weekend!
Meeting Great-Grandma for the first time, and totally not in the mood for pictures.
We visited Great-Grampa's grave while we were there
Chillin' with Great-Grandma on her lap
Four generations
This one isn't from our trip, but it's just too adorable not to end with :)
Love all the pics of Matthew with Great-gradma. Actually, I love all the pics. Great idea to get a pic of all 4 generations. Glad you got to visit! oxox to little Matthew. Love you guys.
Oh! I'm so glad you posted pics from your visit to great-grandma's! Loved seeing Josh's grandma again!
That is so cool that you got to visit with Josh's grandma and Matthew's great-grandma.
What's the deal with Josh's "Spelling Bee Champion" shirt--is it for real, or is it a joke?
I LOVE that last pic of Matthew--what a happy little face! :)
Oh, ha ha, nevermind... I just zoomed in on the pic and I get the shirt now. Don't mind me... I'm a little slow today.
(Josh--SHUT UP with your smarty-pants comment about how slow I am! :P)
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