Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday Movies

Here's some short videos of the kids I've been meaning to put up here. The first one was taken a little bit ago, but the others are more recent.

He's recently been working on 2-word combinations. It's so neat to watch him communicate and begin forming sentences. Examples: Sit down, stand up, Ashy turn (it was Ashley's turn on the slide in the nursery), Daddy car (riding in Daddy's car), Momma car (same idea), More eat (he wanted more to eat), Dit do (thank you), etc.

By the way, the getting out of bed thing is waning already (praise the Lord). In case anyone doesn't know, I had put on Facebook how Matthew discovered he can get out of bed and turn his light on and come down the hallway. And he did this in the middle of the night. So the gate went up, but that meant we also played room police as we had to keep putting him back in bed over and over and over and over. He seems to always want a tissue when he goes to sleep. He scrunches it up in his hand and holds it, whether he needs to wipe tears or not. He also holds his plush Mickey, which is more of a conventional lovey than a tissue is.

You see how good he's getting at walking? He gets better and better everyday. The ankle braces have been helping, and he loves to wear them.

We had to buy him new shoes to accomodate the braces. For one it had to be a wide shoe, but also we went up 2 sizes.

She's definitely got the smiling down, even if we don't see it too often. Interesting fact: she's got a dimple in her left cheek, and Matthew has one in his right.


Moz + Pam said...

Adoreable videos of both kids! Good thing Matthew likes his ankle braces or "blue boots"!

dave + jess said...

Enjoyed watching the videos of both your kids! They are so cute. I love the one of Matthew sitting in the kitchen surrounded by all those pots and pans. And great job with the walking, Matthew!! Food is a good incentive :)

Sara said...

Aww, I love that 2nd video... where he sees you there and automatically says "cheese." You've trained him well. :)

And look at him go, with the walking! He's such a sweet thing.

Glad the getting out of bed thing is calming down. That's cute how he sleeps with a tissue. Ari sleeps with odd things too... she's slept with Big Y coins and business cards, for example. Along with various stuffed animals, of course.

She's obsessed with tags too--she just HAS to stick her finger in them, whether it's her Taggie blanket, or a piece of clothing, or a stuffed animal.

Janelle said...

I love the pots and pans video. I laughed all the way through it. So cute! The other ones were sweet too. Thanks for sharing!