These are still sorta Christmas pictures. I forgot to post them.

This was the Sunday after Christmas, and Matthew is sporting a new sweater vest combo from Grammy. It has a choo-choo on it, which he loved. Oh yeah, he's graduated from saying "choo-choo" to saying "choo-choo train."

One of Esther's many Christmasy outfits. Love the reindeer tushy!

A sweet picture with Grammy.

Sarah and Donald weren't with us for Christmas day, so we celebrated with them later that week. This is their daughter Chesney showing off her beautiful Christmas dress.

We opened Christmas presents in the evening, when both Matthew and Chesney could be more comfortable. Chesney gave him a magnet book, and he loved it. The bear they gave him? not so much. No, it was really funny. The bear wasn't wrapped, just had a bow around it, and he picked it up, and we were all like, Hey Matthew, that's for you, and he immediately threw it behind him and went digging for another gift. I laughed for like 5 minutes :)

Another day we spent with the family, because Josh had some time off. Aunt Hannah and Beka said that Esther looked like a watermelon in this outfit :)

Caught this great face at the perfect time.

Hanging out in her pretty pj's.

Matthew's holding a Wii remote here. Josh's family got one for Christmas, so we brought our remotes so we could play together. Josh even lets Matthew play a little bit, and he's not too bad.
Esther is one month old now (7 weeks tomorrow actually). I have to go through some pics and get them up here. I think I have some cute ones. Of course we are talking about my kids, why wouldn't they be cute? ;)
Absolutely your kids are cute! After all they're related to us! ;) That too funny that Matthew threw his bear! LOL! Great pictures of the girl cousins together! Enjoy your visit with Sara!
aw...I love Ester's outfit! So cute!
Ha ha at the "hanging out" pic... look at her sticking out that pinky finger all prissy and stuff. :)
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