So Esther is 7 weeks old today, but she seems older for some reason. I say 7 weeks, and it just doesn't sound like a big number. Yet it feels as if she's been around longer than that. I guess we are sort of getting on a schedule. It's not like it's by the clock or anything, but it's more a pattern I try to follow. She's sleeping longer stretches overnight, which is wonderful. Although, sometimes she'll wake up screaming, and once we burp her she's fine and will drift back to dreamland. She's still sleeping in our room, so it's easier and quicker for me to get her. Josh will get her and change her diaper and then hand her off to me so I can feed her. It takes her about 15-20 minutes to eat, sometimes shorter. It's funny cause I feel like she's not eating enough because Matthew would nurse for 30-40 minutes, but I'm learning that every baby's different.
Even though she doesn't eat for very long, she's a total puke machine. She spits up a lot, some days worse than others. Sometimes it has to do with what I've been eating. She seems to be sensitive to my diet, like onions or spicy food. Even caffeine. Matthew didn't seem to care what I ate when I was nursing him. And he pooped almost every diaper in the beginning, but she is a different story. She's gone as long as 4 days between bowel movements.
Esther had a fair amount of hair when she was born, but then it started to fall out. Not all over, just in a C shape on the top of her head. But it's starting to grow back. I can't call her our little baldy anymore :).
She's definitely got the smiling thing down. And she's experimenting with getting her arms moving. It's the funniest thing, because she ends up hitting herself in the head. The startled expression on her face is priceless. I wish I could capture it on camera for you.
I don't think I have anymore to say, so here are a few thousand words :)
And my favorite picture of her to date...
She IS such a pretty little girl! My favorite is the picture of you holding her & her smiling! I like the picture of the 3 of you, too! You look so content & peaceful. I miss my little Esther & my big boy Matthew!
she is getting so big all ready! What a cutie! Glad she is sleeping a little better.
Great pictures, Mary!! How are you balancing time with Matthew?? My worst fear of child #2 is the sleeping thing. M sleeps til 8:30/9am most days and I'm loving it (those first few months were very rough!). Glad she's a fast eater :) I'd pull M off after 20 mins each side. To this day he doesn't stop eating on his own (most mealtimes).
Esther is growing up way too fast. She is so cute!Matthew looks like a great big brother!Chesney was squealing with joy to see their pics!
I like that you included Esther & Matthew on the top header & that you took my suggestion to make it Buckeye Babies! :)
Awwww! Simply adorable!
Oooh, I love her outfit in the first pic--panda bears!
Ugh, spitting up is the worst. Ari used to do that a lot too. :( But she's definitely growing and getting chunky, so it's all good. :)
Aww, she is growing and changing so much already! I love her outfit in the last pic too. :)
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