Tuesday, September 8, 2009

6 months down, 3 to go!

The first buckeye game of the season was Saturday, so of course we had to put Matthew in his jersey. His Aunt Laura gave it to him before she went back to school. And she was smart too--it's size 3T, so he can wear it for a few years.

And my 6-month belly...

I'm looking pretty big, right? Yeah, well, I feel it too. Jellybean is pretty active. I couldn't sleep last night because of her movements, so I got up to read for a little while. But she's a little stinker. As soon as Josh tries to feel my belly for her kicks, she stops. And once he pulls away, she starts up again. I think they are going to have an interesting relationship :) I am feeling well, except for the typical pregnancy complaints. Swelling once in a while, fatigue, soreness.

I've got a prayer request for you all to consider. When you think of it, could you pray that Matthew would walk on his own soon? 17 months old, and still not walking yet. He uses his walker all over the house, and he's down to holding one of our hands instead of both, but it is discouraging at times. And for a more physical reason, it's getting harder for me to lift him up and carry him places. I think that's part of the reason why I've been so sore. There's really nothing you can do to make your child walk. They have to decide to try it on his own, but he doesn't want to try. As soon as he figures out our tactics, he sinks to the floor and crawls. He doesn't even want to try balancing. I swear, I've never seen a kid so set in his ways. It's not that he's a stubborn brat about it. He's just content to be doing what he's doing, and I don't think he sees a need to try anything new.

And speaking of his development, he seems to be saying more words now, or at least trying to say the things we say. It's not all understandable, but a lot of times he can get the first syllable out. And like I've said before, he understands so much of what we say to him. He's become quite the ham, too. He knows when he's being funny and how to make Mommy and Daddy laugh, and he'll turn on the charm when he needs to. He's been much better about playing on his own (he went through a very needy stage after our vacation), and he "talks" so much. He comes up with new consonant/vowel combinations and has fun repeating it over and over in the car. He's been sleeping longer stretches at night--averaging 11 or 11 1/2 hrs, and sometimes 12 hours. Nap lengths are not consistent. Some days it's two hours; some days it's half an hour, and he always wakes up grumpy from his nap. But after 10 or 15 minutes, he's usually in a better mood.

He's a crazy, energetic toddler that likes to have fun and climb on everything. He climbs up and down stairs really well, though we are working on teaching him that he can't do it unless we are with him. And as you'll see in these videos, not walking doesn't seem to be holding him back. He's still a goofball and a nutcase, and any other crazy words you can think of.


Moz + Pam said...

I love that picture of you with Matthew...you look so pretty! The 2 videos satisfied my Matthew fix for now but needs to be refreshed periodically! He's such a little ham for the camera! Remind you of anyone? "Focus me. Focus me!" LOL! ;)

Christi said...

So cute in his buckeye jersey!!

I tried to let Brad feel baby move last night because he/she kicked so hard that I actually felt it with my hand that was resting on my belly. Seems kinda early for that for me - but I felt it. Brad said he thinks he felt it a couple of times - but I'm not so sure - lol. It's so hard to know when to let the hubby feel it - it always seems like they miss the good movements - cause you feel it and then try to have them feel it and it's too late!! :-)

I'll say a prayer for Matthew!! Once he starts walking - he'll love it - so hopefully he'll give it a shot soon!!

Listening to Isabella talk is one of my favorite things right now!! That is great that he is talking so much!! :-)

That last pic of you and Matthew is a really good one!! You look great!! :-)

Janelle said...

Cute Jersey. Did he wear it to chick-fil-a to get a free sand which?
I can't wait to feel our baby kick! I am getting a little impatient about it:( When did you start feeling it?
I hope Matthew walks soon! The videos are funny.
I like the pic of you two. You look pretty!
We bought something for jellybean so we have to get together again soon okay? Love ya!

Unknown said...

I'll be praying for you and little Matthew! Dylan is 27 months old, and he loves me to carry him from the house to the car and back (also in parking lots to stores) when he can very well walk by himself. He starts balling when I walk ahead of him and encourage him to do it himself or even hold his hand to walk. He can be stubborn sometimes though he's good-natured.

Dylan started walking around 14 months, and was a late talker so every child is different, and believe me, when he's ready he'll do it himself. I know some people don't like the walkers cuz it encourages them to rely on them too much to walk. I would just keep encouraging him to walk on his own---walking from you to Josh etc. I just kept on Dylan w/ the talking, and it eventually paid off!
