Friday, September 25, 2009

10 More Weeks!

Yeah, for real, can you believe it? Only 10 more weeks until my due date. I feel like we haven't done much to prepare for Jellybean's arrival, but then again, we've got the major bigger things bought because we already have Matthew. We actually have to focus on getting some items for Matthew, like a new bed and dresser and other things for his new room. Personally, I'd like him moved out of the nursery before the baby comes, so he'll be comfortable with it before the baby comes into the house. I know we can always move him afterwards because the baby will be in our room for the first 2 months or so. But the whole dynamic of the house will change, and Matthew will have to share his mommy for the first time. I just don't want too many new things to freak him out, you know? Especially if we "kick" him out of his room for his new little sister.

Last night we were watching TV and I was laying on the couch (my usual spot). Jellybean was going crazy and kicking all over the place, so I had Josh grab the camera so I could film it. Of course once I started filming, she didn't kick as much, but I managed to get a video or two. I just put up one for you guys, the shortest one. I didn't think you really wanted to see 2 videos of my belly :) Anyways, you'll see the remote go up and down because I'm breathing, but then you'll see it wobble from side to side. And that is Jellybean doing aerobics.

Last week we had a Sunday School class fellowship, and my two pregnant friends were there, so we just had to stand in order and get a picture of our different sized bellies. I'm due December 5, Christi is due February 5, and Janelle is due March 5.

And then I can't post without a picture of Matthew, so here's my cute little boy.


Moz + Pam said...

What an adoreable picture of Matthew! I didn't know 2 of your friends were pregnant! Very cute picture of the 3 preggos! I loved the video of my newest granddaughter kicking, too! Can't wait to meet her!

Christi said...

love the video - lol. what a creative way to film baby while still in your belly. i might have to try that.

i need to get started on isabella's room myself. i have ideas - but no time!! i better make time because i know these next 19 weeks are gonna fly!!

Janelle said...

I love the video!!!!!!
I think I felt our baby kick the other night, but it's hard to know for sure. Love ya!

Grateful Grammy said...

Kick baby kick! Cute pictures of the preggos and Matthew!