First Airplane Ride (outside the womb, that is)
Our day started early, since we had an early flight. We had to wake Matthew up and I fed him breakfast in the car while Josh drove us to the airport. Matthew did surprisingly well on the plane. The first flight wasn't full, so we had a whole row to ourselves. It gave Matthew a place to sit on his own and gave our laps a break. He was a little nervous when the plane took off, but Daddy assured him it was really cool and lots of fun, and he relaxed. He really liked standing on the seat and peeking at the people behind us.
When we first sat down, he was most interested in pulling out the magazines and airsick bags and flight information pamphlets.
And once we showed him the tray table, he was amused with that for quite some time. Here he is patiently waiting for snack time.
Saturday Night
We arrived at my parent's house in the early afternoon, so that gave us a chance for some downtime. Matthew didn't nap, but Josh and I managed to rest on the couches, sort of. That night Dave and Jess came over with Micah. Matthew played nice with him.
Then Micah played nice with him. This is right before he pulled Matthew's hair. Tiredness and being in an unfamiliar place brought instant tears.
New Hampshire at Last
We went to church Sunday morning, and after lunch at Boston Market, we made the 5-hour drive to the White Mountains. We ate at a restaurant that night and did some grocery shopping. Monday was the start of more vacation-y things.
Then he got interested in the bears.
My awesome action shot. And he caught the ball too.
See? I'm a good mom. That little bottle Matthew is holding is sunscreen, and I made sure to put it on him. He actually didn't protest when I rubbed the goop all over him. The hat of course is adorable, but seeing as I only have one picture of him wearing it demonstrates how much he doesn't like hats. Oh well, I tried.
There was a nice train ride that we went on as well. The horn was really loud for Matthew's little ears, but other than that he enjoyed the ride. Here he is with Grampa. He really took to him on this trip, by the way. It got to the point that when he saw him leave the condo in the morning to go for a walk with my mom, he would whine and try to follow him.
We also did the included segway rides at Clark's. This is Josh riding one, the old pro.
And the pregnant rookie.
Another rookie, an unpregnant one, my sister.
We left Clark's Trading Post a little ahead of everyone (after buying Matthew a souvenir stuffed moose). Back at the condo while Matthew napped, Josh took the camera to the creek near the house and got some nice pictures.
A rested Matthew making faces at me through the window. I was on the deck and he was inside on the couch next to grampa. See how his tongue is curled to the side? I just noticed him doing that this week, but Josh says he's been doing it for a while. He did start to chew his tongue on vacation, and I know that's new.
to be continued...
Matthew was such a good boy on the plane! In fact he was well-behaved on the whole vacation. I like how he took to Grampa & how he was playing with Great Grampa, too when we visited him! Looking forward to more vacation posts! :)
lots of good pics!
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