Monday, July 27, 2009

Random Pictures and Weekend Events

My friend from college came to visit us this weekend. I roomed with Ericka for a year at PCC, and I love that we still are good friends and can keep in touch. She came in Friday night and left Sunday afternoon. The time always goes by fast, but it's always fun. We didn't do too much. We were gonna play outside with Matthew on the night she arrived, but there were so many bugs flying around that we decided against it. On Saturday our neighborhood was having a community garage sale, so we drove around and hit some of those. Why didn't we walk, you ask? Because Saturday was a washout. It kept raining on and off, heavy and light. Matthew didn't like all the getting in and out of the car, so we started taking turns staying in the car with him while the other person checked out the sale. There wasn't anything amazing people were selling, but we did manage to pick up two wall plaques for the nursery for a dollar. They have images of Mickey Mouse from different years. And we found a bedrail to attach to Matthew's future twin bed for $10. Ericka and I made zucchini bread in the afternoon and also went to Target to find a maternity bathing suit for me for vacation. Ugh, hate bathing suit shopping, but found something that will work, so it's all good. Then after we grilled some burgers for dinner (the rain had let up by then) we walked around the mall for a little while.

Ah, but Sunday was the eventful day. Church commenced as usual. Between Sunday school and morning service I went back to the nursery to give Matthew his snack. For some reason he doesn't eat as well for the workers, and I found that if I go back and feed him, he's a happier boy on the drive home. Anyway, did that and left Matthew to play with the others. Right as church was ending, someone tapped me on the shoulder to get me back to the nursery. Apparently my pager hadn't gone off. Come to find out, Matthew was bleeding. Yes, his first injury with blood--I must record this in the baby book :). I got back there and he had tear-stained cheeks, a runny nose, and blood and saliva dripping down his chin. What happened was this: He was standing by the door to the nursery (it's a half door with a latch) and two other older kids were standing there with him. Nobody saw it happen. They just heard him cry louder than usual and found him on his belly. I'm guessing he either lost his footing or he tripped over one of the other kids. Anyway, he bit his tongue in 3 places! He had the two spots at the front of the tongue from his front teeth, and another spot right at the tip that caught as well. I also found today that he's got a bruise on the bottom of his chin, so he must have hit it on the top of the door before he fell.

Oh the drama. I felt so bad for him. And I didn't know what to do at first. Another mother suggested something cold for him to suck on, like a popsicle. The church freezer didn't have any popsicles, but they had some old sherbet in there, so I spoon-fed him that to help clot the blood. He still bled a little on the way home, and he didn't nap well in the afternoon. He kept sticking his tongue out and touching it, and after his nap he just sat on my lap and occasionally cried. Poor baby! I knew it would hurt him for the rest of the day, but today he doesn't act like he notices it at all. And it never got swollen, it just looked like a really nasty bite.

So yeah, that was our adventure-filled weekend. Now for some pictures from here and there.

Just after his new haircut. He cried pretty much the whole time for this one, but they still gave him a balloon.

One Saturday while I was working in the kitchen, Josh and I found Matthew like this. I knew he was playing with the pots and pans, but he'd never gotten into the cabinet compeletely before.

Daddy was out mowing the lawn, and Matthew decided to mow the inside of the house. What a good helper...

He's recently been trying to figure out doorknobs. We're gonna be in trouble when he gets it.

First pic of my two kids together. Cute, huh?

He's a climber for sure. Don'tcha just love this face he's giving me? Lately it's been very hard to get a decent smile from him for the camera.

I saved my favorite for last. I just love this little guy.


Steve and Eden said...

Poor Matthew. What a terrible injury! Hope it heals up nicely.

Good finds yard saling!

Cute pic of the two kiddos together!!

Sara said...

So cool that Ericka came to visit. :) Tony and I are meeting up with an old college friend when we go to Soulfest this weekend. Yay for college friends!

Weird... Ari got injured on Sunday too. But all she did was walk into a table and get a slight egg on her head. Poor Matthew! Man, he went all out for his first bloody injury, huh? Hope he heals quickly, poor thing. And yeh, it's hard to know what to do with mouth injuries, especially when they're so little. Sounds like you made a good choice!

Ari has that same walker toy. :)

We just recently invested in a few of those childproof doorknob covers. They're almost Sara-proof too, lol... such a pain, but what are you gonna do...

Can't wait to see you in just a few days! :)

Moz + Pam said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh!! Poor little guy! That sounds like a nasty injury! Kiss him twice for Grampa & Gramma! Can't wait to see him. Those are such adoreable pictures & I loved the video, too! He's all boy for sure!

dave + jess said...

:( Poor little guy, I think the sight of blood on my kid would stun me, too. He might want to get injured more often, though, if sherbert is part of the deal!

Very dedicated, tag saling in the rain and all!

Cute pics and video. Micah loves his walking toy, too. That's the other thing that we picked up in our free tag sale this weekend... forgot to mention it. The other one we have converts into a little rider-thing, which I fear will be in use shortly.

Hope to see you guys this weekend!

Christi said...

A bruise on his chin?? Maybe he hit his chin when he fell and that is what made him bite his tongue?? I really wish I'd seen it happen to give you more info!! I can't believe he got it in 3 spots!! Poor Matthew!! I feel so bad...