Friday, July 31, 2009

It's a Girl!

We had our ultrasound at 22 weeks, and we found out we are expecting a baby girl! We weren't surprised at all, since we both have been thinking it's a girl, and everyone has been guessing a girl. She's healthy, and 1 lb. 4 oz., which the tech said is big. And then I was like, great, just what I need, another heavyweight (Matthew was 9 lb. 5 oz). But my doctor said her weight is only a week off from my due date, which isn't uncommon. He didn't sound concerned, but I'm sure we'll have an ultrasound later on to see how big she's gonna be. He also said my placenta is lying low, so they'll check on that with an ultrasound later too, cause if that stays low, it could interfere with the delivery.

Ok, enough with the boring doctor details. How about some pics? The tech took a bunch, but I only put up two, cause some weren't clear, and others were repeats. I tried to pick the best from the bunch.

These profile pictures came out so clear I think. In this you can see her little arm across the top of the pic. The bright white line is the arm bone.

This is another of her profile, but this time she has her tongue sticking out. What a silly girl. And the round thing it appears she's trying to lick is her hand.

I was gonna put up the pic that really shows she's a girl, but it looked clearer on the monitor than it does when it's printed out, so I didn't bother. But trust us, it's a girl. We're not really doubting this fact.

Matthew was good during the ultrasound, but it seemed to take a while, so he got restless, which is to be expected. Our girl was good too, but she didn't like the wand prodding and poking her, so she let me know by punching and kicking me. Josh was there, of course, and Grammy came along for the good news too. It was nice to share the moment with family, and the extra set of arms to hold Matthew wasn't bad either. We even went over to Babies R Us afterwards to pick up a girly-looking baby book. All in all, a good morning. Now I have to finish packing, for our vacation begins this weekend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Outdoor Adventures

We've got a playset in our backyard that came with the house, and Matthew likes to play in the fort part of it.

I think he's starting to outgrow his 18 month clothes, don'tcha think?

Not so sure about the new swing. He'll only spend about 5 minutes in it before he tells us he's "all done."

Found a rock

Tasting the rock


Whoo-hoo! I'm the king of the world!

A play area was built near our neighborhood recently, so we've taken walks there a few times so Matthew can enjoy it.

Not so sure about this swing either. He'll stay in this one longer cause there are other kids around to distract him from wanting to get out.

Uh, Mom, Dad, do you really want me to do this by myself?

Oh yeah, it's much better when someone's holding me.

Wee! Fun with Daddy

And that's all I've got, folks. Josh is dealing with a tough week at work, and I'm busy packing and planning, but the reward comes Saturday when we head out for a much-needed vacation. My parents have been so gracious to invite us to share their timeshare in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. Thank you! I don't know if we'd have taken a vacation otherwise!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Random Pictures and Weekend Events

My friend from college came to visit us this weekend. I roomed with Ericka for a year at PCC, and I love that we still are good friends and can keep in touch. She came in Friday night and left Sunday afternoon. The time always goes by fast, but it's always fun. We didn't do too much. We were gonna play outside with Matthew on the night she arrived, but there were so many bugs flying around that we decided against it. On Saturday our neighborhood was having a community garage sale, so we drove around and hit some of those. Why didn't we walk, you ask? Because Saturday was a washout. It kept raining on and off, heavy and light. Matthew didn't like all the getting in and out of the car, so we started taking turns staying in the car with him while the other person checked out the sale. There wasn't anything amazing people were selling, but we did manage to pick up two wall plaques for the nursery for a dollar. They have images of Mickey Mouse from different years. And we found a bedrail to attach to Matthew's future twin bed for $10. Ericka and I made zucchini bread in the afternoon and also went to Target to find a maternity bathing suit for me for vacation. Ugh, hate bathing suit shopping, but found something that will work, so it's all good. Then after we grilled some burgers for dinner (the rain had let up by then) we walked around the mall for a little while.

Ah, but Sunday was the eventful day. Church commenced as usual. Between Sunday school and morning service I went back to the nursery to give Matthew his snack. For some reason he doesn't eat as well for the workers, and I found that if I go back and feed him, he's a happier boy on the drive home. Anyway, did that and left Matthew to play with the others. Right as church was ending, someone tapped me on the shoulder to get me back to the nursery. Apparently my pager hadn't gone off. Come to find out, Matthew was bleeding. Yes, his first injury with blood--I must record this in the baby book :). I got back there and he had tear-stained cheeks, a runny nose, and blood and saliva dripping down his chin. What happened was this: He was standing by the door to the nursery (it's a half door with a latch) and two other older kids were standing there with him. Nobody saw it happen. They just heard him cry louder than usual and found him on his belly. I'm guessing he either lost his footing or he tripped over one of the other kids. Anyway, he bit his tongue in 3 places! He had the two spots at the front of the tongue from his front teeth, and another spot right at the tip that caught as well. I also found today that he's got a bruise on the bottom of his chin, so he must have hit it on the top of the door before he fell.

Oh the drama. I felt so bad for him. And I didn't know what to do at first. Another mother suggested something cold for him to suck on, like a popsicle. The church freezer didn't have any popsicles, but they had some old sherbet in there, so I spoon-fed him that to help clot the blood. He still bled a little on the way home, and he didn't nap well in the afternoon. He kept sticking his tongue out and touching it, and after his nap he just sat on my lap and occasionally cried. Poor baby! I knew it would hurt him for the rest of the day, but today he doesn't act like he notices it at all. And it never got swollen, it just looked like a really nasty bite.

So yeah, that was our adventure-filled weekend. Now for some pictures from here and there.

Just after his new haircut. He cried pretty much the whole time for this one, but they still gave him a balloon.

One Saturday while I was working in the kitchen, Josh and I found Matthew like this. I knew he was playing with the pots and pans, but he'd never gotten into the cabinet compeletely before.

Daddy was out mowing the lawn, and Matthew decided to mow the inside of the house. What a good helper...

He's recently been trying to figure out doorknobs. We're gonna be in trouble when he gets it.

First pic of my two kids together. Cute, huh?

He's a climber for sure. Don'tcha just love this face he's giving me? Lately it's been very hard to get a decent smile from him for the camera.

I saved my favorite for last. I just love this little guy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Note for Daddy

Dear Daddy,

Hi! I miss you lots and lots! Are you having fun in Florida? I'm being good for Mommy. Yesterday we went to Grammy and Grampa's house to have fun, and today I'm going to get a haircut and then play at the mall. Later this week Mommy is going to take me on girly errands, like shopping and stuff--yuck! :P You need to come home soon so we can wrestle and do guy stuff.

Hmm, I think I need my diaper changed, so I better go tell Mommy. Bring me home a souvenir, like a T-shirt, or a water globe, or a stuffed animal, or all three! I know what you're thinking, I sound just like Mommy, don't I? ;) Well, I do spend lots of time with her, especially this week. Anyway, see you on Friday! I love you!!

Love, Matty

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Films

Well, the video I wanted to post for you earlier in the week still won't go up. Perhaps it's too long? It was of Matthew doing some of the animal noises. I'll have to record him again and try to make it shorter. Then maybe it will go up here.

This one makes me laugh, as you will hear in the video. And not because Matthew does what I ask him to, but for the opposite reason. This whole video is a perfect demonstration of when kids won't perform when their parents want them to.

And here are some bathtub videos. Totally decent, I promise. You know how most kids hate it when their hair is rinsed? All that water cascading over their heads is too much to handle. Matthew used to be like that, but not anymore. In fact, he asks for more. I think he likes the rush or something.

And a few minutes later he decides to fall in love with splashing and being so very loud. And I thought baths were supposed to calm kids down before bedtime. Silly me.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Four month belly (do you like my new haircut?) :)

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and Matthew was pretty well-behaved for it. I didn't bother bringing him in the stroller, cause he'd want to get out immediately anyway, so I just carried him. He was good in the waiting room. He looked at the fishies in the fish tank or pulled out all the brochures from the rack near us. He entertained one guy in particular, making faces at him and being a ham. When we actually went into the office for the check-up, he was a little wary of the nurse doing something to his mommy, but he was fine after I reassured him that it was ok. The nurse had a little trouble finding the baby's heart beat, but she did last time too. I had a friend ask me if I was worried when they couldn't find the heart beat right away, and I really wasn't. The baby is so small still, and the placenta can get in the way. The nurse just had to lay me all the way down, and she found it eventually.

So I am 19 weeks along, and my weight is doing well and I have no apparent problems. Nothing out of the ordinary anyway. I mean, my back gets sore and I get tired, and sometimes I feel a muscle in my belly pull tight, but that's all usual stuff. I am starting to look bigger, which isn't a surprise to me, cause I feel like I've been eating a ton lately. One night, I was so hungry while trying to go to sleep that I had to get up and eat some graham crackers before I could fall asleep :). Oh, and the day before yesterday, I felt the baby move for the first time! I felt it early in the day, and I wasn't sure if that was what I thought it was. Then when I was putting Matthew to bed, I felt it again, so I knew it was Jellybean. It didn't feel like the flutter feeling I had with Matthew. I imagined it was more like a punch from a tiny fist inside me. Very cute, and very fun to feel. I'm looking forward to more of this, and it will be even more fun when Josh and Matthew can feel it too.

There are a lot of things about my first pregnancy that I can't recall, but I happen to remember some as they repeat in this current pregnancy. For example, I am getting so worn out when I go up and down stairs. Of course it seems more severe this time, and that could be cause I have a house with stairs now, instead of just an apartment. And plus, if I'm carrying Matthew on the stairs, I really have to take it slow. I am just winded when I get to the top. Whew! I'm worn out just thinking about it :) Another thing that's similar about these pregnancies is a week of headaches. A couple weeks ago I just had a headache all day every day for a whole week. Tylenol wouldn't touch it, and that's all I'm allowed to take, so I just had to suffer through it. The nice thing was that I knew from being pregnant with Matthew that it would only last a week. One other commonality: sleeping with extra pillows. A few nights ago, I had so much trouble sleeping. Couldn't get comfortable no matter how I twisted and turned. Then my brilliant husband reminded me that I used to sleep with a pillow between my knees when I was pregnant before. And sure enough, that pillow has solved my sleeping problems for now.

I think that's all the pregnancy updates for you. Now I need to update you on Matthew...

He had his 15-month check up a few weeks ago, which included 2 shots. The poor guy whimpered for the first one and screamed for the second one. But once I was holding him he was much better. At home I gave him Tylenol for the rest of the day, cause every time I touched his leg he would almost cry, so I knew he was sore. Then the next day the whole area was red and swollen. They were both common reactions and nothing to worry about (once I looked it up, that is ;)). At least he doesn't need any more shots until he's 2. He weighed 24 lbs. and was 32 in. tall, both in the 50th percentile. The pediatrician thought he was growing and developing well. We had a chat about him not walking yet. I told him he does everything else but that: crawling, climbing, wrestling. I don't think there's anything wrong with him physically, and neither does the doc. He observed him for a few minutes and said he's just not confident enough to try to walk on his own. Just the other day my neighbor commented that he seems like a cautious kid, so his late walking is merely a reflection of his personality. I would like him to walk before we go on vacation in August, though. I've even made it a matter of prayer. Not so much about him walking by August, but that the Lord will give him the confidence he needs to try the whole walking independently thing.

Hey Mom, Dad's home!

As for his tastes in food, he goes in food phases. For the longest time he was eating oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast each morning. But now it's been waffles for I don't know how long. And it has to be waffles. Pancakes don't cut it for him, apparently. I wish they would though, cause kid's menus at restaurants have pancakes more often than they do waffles. He also used to love applesauce, but he doesn't eat that very much anymore. And he refused Cheerios for a while, but has recently taken to liking them again. He loves strawberries and graham crackers (any kind of cracker for that matter), and he would drink milk or juice all day if I let him. I call him a heavy drinker :).

Look at all those teeth!

He takes one nap a day, always in the afternoon. Sometimes he's tired enough to take one in the morning, but if I did that, then he wouldn't sleep for the afternoon, and he'd be miserable by bedtime. It's easier to distract him from tiredness in the morning too, like with errands or grocery shopping or playing outside.

Looking sweet after bath time.

By the way, he loves to play outside. He asks pretty much every day if we can go outside. I don't mind if the weather is nice, but when it's in the 90s and humid, ugh, there ain't no way you'll find me out there. I don't know when I became so sensitive to the heat, but maybe it's cause I'm pregnant. We bought him a new swing recently, but he's only in it for about 10 seconds before he tells us he's "all done." He likes to walk around the yard (with our help, of course), pull at the weeds, play with rocks, and he also likes being up in the fort area of the playset.

Daddy helps him up in the fort.

He's recently getting over a long lasting diaper rash. We even had to get a Rx for it because it was itchy and painful. But finally it appears to be clearing up. And what other not-so-pleasant things can I share with you? Ah yes, Sundays. No no, we love church, and Matthew loves the nursery. But for the past few weeks he's been screaming when we go home. He'll arch his back to keep us from strapping him in the carseat. And the screaming doesn't just last a few minutes. Sometimes half the ride home is tears and howls. I'm sure some of it has to do with being totally tired and ready to nap, and perhaps he's going through a phase of not liking his carseat, but there's also just plain tantrum going on there too. Poor kid, it's tough when you can't get your way all the time.

Just woke up from a nap, so not in the best mood, but he looks so grown up, doesn't he?

Most of the time he's a lot of fun. When I'm cooking he'll get into the cabinets and play with the pans and make lots of noise. He'll also play games with himself sometimes. He'll throw a ball, make some exclamation, and chase after it. The other day I was rocking him before his nap, and he spontaneously started giving me kisses over and over. It's like he was thinking, maybe if I keep being sweet and cute, Mommy won't put me down for a nap. Little stinker. Yes, he was sweet and cute, but no, he didn't get out of his nap. Usually his nap time is my nap time, and I don't voluntarily give that up.

He's getting so smart. He's really good at following directions, depending what it is of course. I handed him some trash and told him to throw it away for me, and he crawled clear across the room to the trash can to do my bidding.

--He signs a handful of words: milk, more, eat, music, play, pray, change

--He can mimic a few animal sounds: monkey, cow, lion, duck

--He can say a lot of words: cook, cracker, done, Daddy, hot, car, ow!, whoa!, waffle, wa-wa (for water), sauce-sauce (for applesauce), cereal (the first syllable anyway), and amen (sort of)

--He can point to a dozen body parts: hair, head, eyelashes/eyes, eyebrows, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth, fingers, chest, belly, bellybutton, knee, leg, toes, feet

I'm sorry, does it sound like I'm bragging? I don't mean to. It's just amazing how fast little kids can learn, you know? And I'm so proud of my little boy.

Playing shy.

There's that hammy smile I know and love so much!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Painting Crew

I know, it's been a while, right? Well, earlier in the week I tried to upload a video of Matthew, but it just wouldn't go, so I gave up. It's not in this post, but hopefully I can get it up on another one. This post isn't really about him anyway. Ok, get over your disappointment. I still have some pics of him, so relax :)

This weekend we committed to painting two rooms in our house, the family room and the nursery (aka Matthew's room).

Josh began the weekend before with some primer to cover up the dark green walls. It's not necessarily an ugly green, but dark walls means the space can look small, and that color was not the vision I had in mind for our family room.

Then during the week he painted our accent wall orange. We figured with that done, we could tape it off and make the weekend job easier.

Josh's family and our 2 friends from church came over on Friday to paint. Josh had Friday off, and so did everyone else. Here you see Josh and Cathy working hard with the rollers. This golden yellow came out so pretty in the end. The camera doesn't do it justice. It look mustardy, but I promise, it's not.

My Dad-in-law working on the opposite wall. They have a paint machine that made the job go faster.

Here's Josh doing touch-up on some spots the next evening.

The finished product. Yes, I know, all the walls look orange, but only the accent wall is. The rest looks like the golden sun setting on the western horizon. Which is my family room theme, by the way, western. I was inspired to do these sunset colors because of a small vase I own. And get this, a friend from my church paints artwork, and she's working on 2 paintings for me for this room. I am so excited to see them when she finishes!!

Now I can begin collecting some western items for the room. The walls look really bare right now, but in a way I don't mind. I enjoy looking at the colors. The rooms looks much bigger and warmer and cheerier. It makes me happy just thinking about it. But back to western stuff, I bought a wagon wheel that I'd like to put on the wall. And then there's the paintings my friend will do. Plus I found a western clock on Amazon I'd like to order. And I liked a framed piece I saw at a store that had a quote and a horseshoe, so that's along the lines of my theme. I want to take my time decorating my walls, because I don't want to rush into buying something and end up hating it. I also don't want to go overboard with the western stuff. Some things I've seen border on tacky, and other stuff is too outdoorsy for the look I want. I just want a taste of the west, and I want the room to feel comfortable. Hopefully I can achieve that as I collect stuff for my walls.

Josh took apart Matthew's crib and moved it into the Nascar room so the nursery could get painted.

See the light green and pink on the walls? Plus there was a butterfly border around the top that we removed a couple weeks ago. Yeah, too girly for a boy, and totally not matching my Mickey nursery stuff.

Here's Dave (Cathy's husband) working hard...maybe :)

The final product. I picked a warm corduroy brown for these walls. I wanted a neutral on the wall for future kids that would live in this room, and the color matched really well with the wall hangings and valance. By the way, I keep saying I picked such and such color, but Josh was part of the decision-making too. He helped me decide what shade of brown for the nursery and just what orange would go perfect with the yellow in the family room.

Friday was gorgeous weather, so when the paint was drying, we spent lots of time outside, which Matthew loved. Lately he's been asking a lot if he can go outside. When did he become such an outdoor lover with an indoor mom? We had pizza and salad for lunch, but for dinner we grilled chicken, corn on the cob, my Mom-in-law made potato salad, and I made a fruit salad. Plus we had patriotic brownies and rice krispie treats. Mm, everything was so yummy! Especially after a hard day's work. Oh yeah, I didn't really work, did I? See, I planned to not paint, cause I didn't think close exposure to the fumes would be good for Jellybean. But I supervised, and my sis-in-laws and mom-in-law helped entertain Matthew. I even managed to get him to nap, despite the exciting day and lots of people in the house.

Cathy and my mother-in-law enjoying the outdoors.

Fun with frisbees. That's Bek on the left and Hannah on the right. Sorry Dad, I cut part of you off in this pic :)

Matthew loved the frisbees. See? Told you there'd be a picture of him. Actually, I guess I said there'd be more than one picture, but uh, I just have one. So here it is. A wonderful conclusion for my post :)