Is anyone else sick of snow? Don't get me wrong, I love winter, and I love snow for Christmas, but when storms come in February, I'm ready to see green trees and pretty flowers once again. The apartment feels so small when we're cooped up all day. I look forward to my weekly grocery shopping, just cause I know I can get out of the house. But when I have to watch my step while holding Matthew for fear of slipping on ice, the journey isn't as pleasant. Spring brings warmer and longer days, which means family walks after dinner and trips to Coldstone to satisfy my sweet tooth. Yes, spring needs to come soon :)
Even though we don't have a lot of room, Matthew seems content to explore the space we have. No, he's not crawling yet, but he can get up on all fours. And when he's on his belly, he can advance, retreat, and even rotate (like a lazy susan). He still loves to stand, which he's getting stronger at, but he's hesitant to take steps.
He's so talkative now. It's more than just da-da and na-na. He's experimenting with other vowel combinations and sounds like he's really trying to say a word sometimes.
Even though we don't have a lot of room, Matthew seems content to explore the space we have. No, he's not crawling yet, but he can get up on all fours. And when he's on his belly, he can advance, retreat, and even rotate (like a lazy susan). He still loves to stand, which he's getting stronger at, but he's hesitant to take steps.
He's so talkative now. It's more than just da-da and na-na. He's experimenting with other vowel combinations and sounds like he's really trying to say a word sometimes.
The other night Josh was playing with Matty while I went to the store for a few things. When I came back, he told me that he'd shot 42 shots in a row without any help from daddy. Needless to say I was pretty impressed. I mean, he likes his basketball hoop, but he usually loses interest after a few shots. This video is a small sample of his "mad skills."
Well, I guess that's all I have for you guys right now. Not too much to say. We're just enduring what Winter has left to give and looking forward to Spring rearing it's lovely head. Stay warm everyone!
I'm getting tired of winter, too, Mary! Enough of snow already. I'm looking forward to SPRING! Looks like you have an all-star on your hands. Way to go little Matty! Loved the video of him in action!
UGH, I am SO sick of winter. I have a friend who lives in Indiana and he told me they got over 20" of snow in less than 24 hours. This winter has just been unreal... like it's making up for all those winters where we didn't get any snow. :P
As far as Matthew with the crib... I remember worrying about Ari's sleeping habits once she learned how to climb out, and then worrying even more when we converted it into a daybed. But she's been so good with it--sure, every now and then we'll catch her out of bed, but 90% of the time, she understands when she's put in bed, it's time to sleep.
"Matty"... aww, I love it. :)
I love how he shakes the ball to the beat of the music before making a basket. And 42 in a row? Wow! Doesn't look like that hoop even counts that high. ;)
Ohhhh, that last pic is PERFECT! :)
While you guys have gotten all the snow, we have really, really sporadic weather. It was 39 yesterday and a high of 60 today with 70s possible tomorrow. Go figure! It's just one big teaser that spring is almost here - which it's not :( Luved the video - hmmm I wonder if they make some sort of football version . . .
So are you calling him Matty now? I think it's the first time I've "heard" you call him that. Cute :)
Keep us updated on the house hunting!
Hannah said that it smelled like spring today. I told her that we were just being teased. We still have about 6 weeks to go before then. Love the last picture of Matthew the best too.
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