Only two more months and we'll have a one-year old. But we're enjoying ten months old while it lingers. He enjoys feeding himself puffs. He'll either chew them, or sorta wait for them to dissolve in his mouth before he swallows. We tried him out on the Gerber Stage 3 food that has small pieces for babies to chew, but he's been doing a lot of gagging on that. So we'll hold off and try again later. At this rate he may not be eating his own birthday cake :)
Matthew is a such a fun baby, and we both have a great time with him. He's a good boy about naps, and he knows how to entertain himself while I wash dishes or prepare dinner. He can also be a major cuddler, which Josh and I both love. And he's such a goofball. He makes faces and laughs at silly things. He's also perfecting his clapping and waving, though he hasn't waved for the camera yet.
Attempting to make a snow angel.
Josh was wrestling with him on the couch, and his hair was full of static--I just had to snap a picture. Also, notice how much those top teeth are starting to show.
And a final favorite video for your enjoyment.
Aw, I love his laugh!
He has such a cute laugh! I love the last video best!
I just love that "crinkle" face he does--too funny! And it still cracks me up how he only claps with one hand.
Isn't it funny the random stuff that makes them laugh? He is so adorable! :)
Micah was smiling at Matthew laughing. We watched it a few times, how adorable!! I was coughing/choking the other day and Micah thought I was doing it for his viewing pleasure. He was belly laughing. We're working on manners...
I love the clapping video - he looks so happy!! And the laughing video is even more adorable.
Sometimes all Isabella has to do it jump up on the couch and her hair sticks up everywhere!! Glad to know the static-y couch isn't just something we have!! :-)
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