Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Matthew Meets His New Cousin

This past weekend the three of us travelled a few hours to meet our new niece. She was so adorable and so tiny! She was like a feather in my arms--I couldn't believe it. Josh's parents and sister were there as well, so we got some quality family time in. Sarah looked great, though she and Donald are pretty tired. Oh, Donald's mom and sister were there too, so we had a house-full. It was good to see them (we haven't seen them since Donald and Sarah got married). Sarah was up and about and doing really good, considering she'd had a baby earlier that week. I guess I don't have too much to say. We all spent time together and had a nice visit. I hope we can see them another weekend in the future. Matthew was ok for the trip. On the way there he only slept for half and hour, so Hannah and I tried to entertain him, especially near the end of the drive. He was getting antsy by that point. There were lots of people around the whole time, so I think he was irritable if he was picked up and handled too much. I can't blame him really. He's used to quiet days of just me and him at the apartment, so it wasn't his normal routine. He was bad at taking naps, of course, and he didn't sleep well at the hotel either. And on Sunday he was just overall cranky and grumpy. He screamed in Sunday School, so I had to take him out, and he screamed in the nursery, so I had to go down there to calm him down. I think his teeth might have been bothering him, cause he's not usually like that. And on the trip home, he slept for about half and hour and then woke up screaming and crying, and he would not settle down until Josh pulled off an exit and took him out of the carseat. After that he was fine, and I think he even slept the rest of the way home. What a kid. At least he keeps our life interesting :) Anyway, enough chatter. You wanna see pictures, right? :)

Yay! Our new niece! Here's us holding Chesney. She looks like a little doll, but I assure you, she's real :)

Donald, Sarah, and Chesney--what a cute little family!

Grammy and Grandpa enjoying their grandkids. Hmm, I wonder which one is harder to hold? ;)

Aunt Hannah and Matthew hanging out together.

Look! We switched babies!

Chesney has the cutest profile. I'm sure I'm not biased or anything :)

She had some good alert times, so we were all pulling out the cameras and snapping pictures. She probably thought we were the papparazzi.

Uncle Josh giving her a fishy face--how silly :)

Here are the cousins together. What a big difference between a five-month old and four-day old!

And I saved the best for last--snuggle time :)


Sara said...

Awwww, too cute! I like Matthew's face in the picture of him with Chesney and Grampa--he looks a little jealous. ;)

Chesney does have a cute little nose. What a sweetie pie. :)

Congrats to Sarah and Donald!

Janelle said...

You got really, really good pictures! The last one is my favorite, but I liked all of them! Chesney is a cutie! I am glad you got to visit.
Thanks for my treat by the way:) That was very sweet!

Christi said...

I said "awwww" outloud when I saw that last pic!! The close ups of her face are really good too. She is absolutely adorable!! I'm so glad you got to go visit so we could see pictures :-)

dave + jess said...

It looks like Matthew had a good time visiting with his cousin! I'm surprised how alert she was, her eyes are open in almost every picture. And she really does look like a doll! She seems like such a good baby. Congrats on being an Auntie...again!

Moz + Pam said...

Chesney is SUCH a pretty baby! She reminds me of Dave & Becky's baby. She's so pretty, too! Love the picture of Matthew cuddling with his new little cousin! Adoreable!