...and there was! We got home from our friends' apartment to find that our place was lit up! We were so excited that we started singing the Doxology in the car :)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
So we were Amish for about 52 hours, except for the whole horse and buggy thing. Now things can get back to normal around here. I need to go shopping and restock the refrigerator. We had to throw out everything, but thankfully we didn't have it packed full, so not as much stuff went to waste. The thing I'm really bummed about is the breastmilk I had stored in the freezer. Once that's thawed, you have to use it in 24 hours or throw it out. And I had 5 bottles saved! So now I gotta start all over, and soon too, cause I'm singing in a wedding in a couple weeks, and Matthew will be with a babysitter for that. And I've gotta do laundry, and now that the lights are on I can see all the dust in this place. Ho hum, just another day of things to accomplish.
By the way
11 years ago
I'm so glad you have your power back on! I like how you said you were Amish for a few days! LOL! But the Amish choose to have no electricity! Aren't you more appreciative of electricity now?
I hate not having power! Glad it came back on and you were able to go somewhere while it was off...nothing like not having warm showers, a computer...etc.
I just had a feeling as soon as you left that when you got home it would be on. 5 minutes later I heard Brian's phone ring and I told it was probably you guys saying you had power. Yay! Also I saw your Mom's comment that she was praying for your light to come back on and after you called I was like, God answered her prayer quick! I am so glad it came back on. You guys crack me up as I picture you singing that song. Ha!
I told Brian the only bad thing about you getting it back was you wouldn't come over and crash our place again. Owell! Have fun catching up on on your house work.
You sang the Doxology?! You guys are such dorks! :)
Sooo... not having a horse and buggy was the ONLY thing that kept you from being fully Amish?
OK, OK, I'll leave you alone. I'm glad your power is back. Now you are powerFUL (as opposed to powerLESS... ha, I crack myself up).
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