My own enchanted rose! I'll keep it forever :)
So Matthew still doesn't sleep through the night. This weekend he woke up twice, and Josh and I seriously discussed giving him formula for bedtime, since it does make a baby fuller. We didn't end up doing it yet, but I am not opposed to it at all. And it's not only for my sake, but Matthew's too. He needs his sleep more than I do. And since naps are still difficult at times, I count on him getting the majority of his sleep at nighttime. Now last night he slept 9 hours straight, but of course that could be because we gave him Tylenol before bed. No no, we are not drugging our child to make him sleep. He's been generally cranky this weekend, which is very unlike our normally good-natured baby. He's also been chewing on either his hands or anything that's in them, and when he eats he sometimes cries like it hurts. I know it's sort of early for teething, but he's got a lot of the signs of it. I felt his gums, and there's nothing surfacing yet, but they could be moving within his gums that I can't see, and I'm sure the pressure is painful to him. Poor baby :(
I was trying to take some pictures of him last week, and I kept saying "Smile, Matthew!" Or "Say cheese!" And this is what he kept doing...
What a goober.
Much better :) I've got some fun videos of him that Josh and I have taken recently, but I'll have to post them later. They take longer to load up than pictures do, and Matthew's calling for me anyway, so I better finish up. Have a great week!
So glad you got to go out for a date night & to a dinner theater performance of Beauty & the Beast, too! We'll babysit when we visit so you can have another date night!
Very cute pics of Matthew! Keep them coming! Now I can't wait to see the promised videos...when are you gonna post them? Huh? Huh? Huh? All my babies got their 2 bottom teeth by 4 months old so it's definitely not too early for Matthew to be teething! Have you tried baby oragel before feeding? That helped you kids. Give Matthew a BIG kiss for Gramma! Can't believe I'll be seeing him in just a month from today! Can't wait!
Oh, yay for date night! I'm so glad you guys decided to go after all, since I know you were thinking of cancelling. I love Beauty and the Beast. And I have the same "enchanted" rose. :)
I don't think it's too early for teething--Ari's first tooth poked through around 5 months old, which means it was probably working its way out for a little while before then.
I love the way he's hamming it up for the camera already. He must get that from you. ;) Wait, he probably gets it from Josh too, which means... be prepared for lots of goofy pics! :) He is such a cutie, whether he's sticking out his tongue or smiling nicely. :)
Love you, sis!
It was fun going with you to the show the other night:) You deserved a night away after all your hard work. I love that Matthew is being goofy for pics. They are just too cute. I just love the last one though. What a sweetie.
The enchanted rose was a smooth move on Josh's part...go Josh! I love those dinner theater performances, what a neat idea someone had.
And look at those Matthew pictures! LOL! He is too much, already familiar enough with the camera to be such a ham!! Adorable. My mother loves the video of him splashing away in the bathtub...she must have watched it at least 5 times by now!
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