Tuesday, August 12, 2008

An Apple a Day

Matthew had his four month check-up today, and he had a good time. Except of course at the end, when he got his shots. He really liked kicking on the table, and it's probably because he enjoyed the sound of the paper as it crinkled and crunched. The doc rotated his legs and checked his ears. I asked him all my little questions, and he said I could start feeding him solids, like the rice cereal and fruits and veggies. I don't think I'll start quite yet though. No particular reason really. Maybe when he can sit up better I'll start him on those things. Oh yeah, his stats. Our jumbo jet weighs 20 lbs. 12 oz. and is 28 inches long. He's in the 97th percentile for both of those. And for those who might think that he's way chunky and so fat, well, he's not. He's proportional with his height and weight, so there! :-P Oh, and with the weight, I thought he weighed more, cause we weighed him at home a couple weeks ago, and we got 21 lbs, but apparently we were off. Which means we kinda jumped the gun on a new carseat. This weekend we installed a convertible carseat cause it has a higher weight limit than the one we were using. So technically he can still use the previous one, but we're not switching them now. It was too difficult getting it in. But it's fine. He'd have to transition to a bigger carseat eventually anyway.

I almost forgot! He of course didn't like his shots, but I think he did better this time. He didn't cry for as long, but by the time I got him out to the car he moved from whimpering to crying again. It probably didn't help that he was ready for a nap. He fell asleep in the car and when I got him home I fed him and put him down for a nap. He's a little trooper. He looks really cute in these next pics. Like a little muscle man.

There's not too much else to report about him. He's growing all the time, as you can see in the pictures. He drools more and chews on everything, so teeth are on their way. With the extra drool comes a new talent... spitting. He makes bubbles and spits at us while he talks. It's really very cute and not that gross (yet). He loves to wrestle with his daddy, and he's always more talkative when he gets home. I guess he's figured out that Josh is the crazy one, so he gets very excited when he sees him. He's been in the church nursery on Sundays and does well there. He's had some moments where he's honestly just throwing a fit I think, but he gets over it fast. He doesn't nap well, and that's nothing new. He's good about letting me cut his nails and toenails. Sometimes he'll cry when I leave the room, but he's fine as long as someone is there to play with him. So I wouldn't label him as a momma's boy just yet. But I know he will go through phases of that. It happens to the best of 'em. Boy, all this talking about my baby makes me want to go play with him. See ya!


Grateful Grammy said...

Grammy loves every chubby little ounce. Of course Grammy had chubby babies too. Glad to hear that everything is great.

Moz + Pam said...

I love babies with some chubbiness! All my babies were chubby! Matthew is very photogenic & quite the charmer, too! He's is too cute in all those pictures! He'll be all grown up by the time we get there!

dave + jess said...

He does look all grown up. He even has a big boy carseat, wow! Glad his dr appt went so well, even the shots part. He sure is a cutie!!

Sara said...

Aww, he is getting so big! Glad to hear he's doing well! I always liked dr's appts, b/it was reassuring to hear a "professional" tell me that my baby was doing fine, lol.

I love that 2nd pic of him--what a gorgeous smile!

Janelle said...

I like him. He's so cute:)
It's so sad when they have to get their shots.

Steve and Eden said...

Wow! I wonder if he's going to be tall like Josh!?

I love the fullness of his little body b/c that means there is more to love on! I hope he's still like that when we finally get to see him, which will hopefully be sooner than later.

Oh, I love his pics!!! I'll have to show Steve and Lyv today. It's 4:58am here and yes I'm on the computer b/c I can't sleep. Everyone else is still snoozing. lol

Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Luv the new pics - can't believe it's been four months! He looks great!