And speaking of clothes, lately I'm getting tired of wearing T-shirts. That's pretty much all I wear cause I want easy access for feeding Matthew. I have button-down shirts in my closet that fit and all, but they are a pain in the butt for nursing. It's just easier to have a stretchy knit shirt, and cotton T's fit the bill. I'm normally a pretty casual dresser, but I guess I like the idea of knowing I can dress up once in a while, you know? Such is the life of a nursing mother I suppose. Oh well, enough about that.
I have an idea! Let's talk about Matthew! My favorite subject ;). Let's start with the not-so-good things. Today he didn't take a morning nap. He fell asleep while eating, so I laid him in the crib and he was down for about 15 minutes before I heard him again. I don't count that as a nap. It's way to short for him to get adequate rest. I tried to pat his butt to get him to go back to sleep, but he wasn't having any of that. Not that he was upset or anything. He's on his belly, so he'd just slowly lift his head and crane his neck so he can see me, and then he'd smile. I couldn't help but smile back, but I really tried not to. I mean, it's not time to play, it's time to sleep. But whatever, I can't make him nap if he's not tired. He is getting better with naps in general though. One day he gave me two perfect naps for an hour and a half each. And one day he slept for over 3 hours! It's funny, cause on some days where his naps are right on, his eating schedule is screwed up. But he's been doing well with eating on schedule for the most part. Yesterday he ate every 3 hours like clockwork--it was amazing.
He sleeps through the night consistently now. And he usually gives us 9 hours, though today and yesterday it was more 8 and 8 1/2. He's definitely getting more interactive. You've seen from the videos how he responds to Josh when he plays with him. And sometimes when he's playing with a toy and he loses it, he'll whine about it, like he's saying, Mom, get my toy for me! But when it's totally within his reach, I don't help him out. Oh, and that's another thing about him. He's getting much better with his hands and fingers. Sometimes I'll catch him just looking at his hands and trying to figure out what they can do. He'll hold out one of his fingers and just stare at it and move it around. So now he can grasp his toys much easier and quicker.
He experiments with sounds, as you've seen on video as well. He squeals and screeches and moans and tries to talk. He even tries noises to see how we'll react. We've been working on him saying "Da-da," and I think he really tries to sometimes. I can see in his mouth that he's got his tongue touching the roof of his mouth, so it's in the right position. All he's got to do is spit out the word. Easier said than done for a baby though. Oh, we've also tried giving him some rice cereal, but I don't think he's ready for it yet. It's not so much that he didn't like it, cause all babies are going to screw up their faces when they are experiencing something new like that, but he wasn't eager for more. He didn't open his mouth for the spoon, which is one of the signs that a baby is ready for something besides formula or breastmilk.
I've got more to write, but I've gotta go feed him now. Until next time, Be well!
As far as shorts, what about a wrap or V-neck shirt? You know, the kind where the layers kind of wrap over each other. Ugh, I'm not explaining this well. I have a couple shirts like that, and the material they're made out of is that really stretchy material. Those might work, if you want something other than a T-shirt.
Oh my gosh, look at that little pouty face! He is going to get away with murder. ;)
^ Uh, that should say "shirts" in the first sentence. I can't type tonight!
I love both pics of Matthew but the pouty lip one is THE best! He looks adoreable! Tell him we'll see him soon! Can't wait!
Aww, look at that last Matthew picture! Was he winding up for a cry?? Too cute!
I'm not sure how you can solve your wearing something besides t-shirts while nursing. I was trying to think what I would do, but I'll be nursing during the fall/winter so I'll be wearing long sleeves and sweaters anyway. I agree with Sara, though, about the stretchy material...they'd work great. I see a lot of them at Kohl's...not sure if you have a Kohl's there.
Anyway, go Matthew! He's growing up so quickly and is such a good boy. You and Josh are doing a great job!
I love the pouty face. That is just cute!
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