Good morning, Matthew. You're going to the doctor today, and you're gonna get some shots.
I wake up happy, and so does the baby. We've both slept through the night, for the third night in a row. Could this be habit-forming? I hope so. I feed him before we go and change his outfit and diaper. No poopy diaper, only wet. That's strange. Usually he poops in the morning. Oh well, it will come later, I'm sure of it.
We have a 9 o'clock appointment and miraculously get there on time. The nurse measures and weighs the baby. By the way, he's 25.5 inches long and weighs 16 lbs. Looking good, Matty, the pediatrician says after checking him over and answering my silly little questions. As he leaves I redress the baby and patiently wait for the nurse to come in. Matthew is content hanging out on the table, and I enjoy pumping his legs and playing with him. Minutes go by, but it feels longer. Two rooms down we hear a young boy screaming in pain. I guess he's 7 or 8, but I never see him. AHHH! YOU'RE KILLING ME!!! is what we hear over and over. Matthew holds still for a moment to listen to the shrieks and then continues to play. The bright pink design on the wall fascinates him. His eyes are riveted to the left and he won't stop moving. I hear only the ticking of my watch and the crinkle of the paper as Matthew kicks his legs back and forth. The screaming boy serenade has died down, and the nurse enters. It's our turn.
The first vaccination is given orally, and my baby rewards the young nurse with smiles. That was easy. Now comes the hard part. I put my fingers in Matty's hands and he grips tightly. Does he hold on because he knows what's coming? No, it's only a reflex, but how appropriate. I wrap the rest of my hands around his little ones, and I bend down so I am face to face with him. The nurse swabs on the disinfectant, and from the look on Matty's face I know it's a little cold. Brace yourself, Baby. I should too. The first shot is given. Matthew is startled and still. The second one pokes his fleshy thigh as he gives out a cry like no other. The red face and tears say it all, but so does the high-pitched scream. I know he hurts, but I keep telling him it's ok. The third shot is done, and band-aids now adorn his legs. I hold back my own tears while he continues to cry. I hold him close, and he relaxes a little. But then he remembers that he had three shots, and he cries some more. It's ok, he's supposed to let me know when he's in pain. I'm here for you, baby. Once I get him back in the car, I hear a few whimpers from the back seat before he falls asleep. I have several errands I'd like to run, but I decide to get my baby home and comfortable.
Once home, I change another wet diaper and feed him, being careful not to press his thighs too much. With a clean diaper and full tummy, I am rewarded with this face by lunchtime.
Whew, we made it.
I am glad that you both survived the shots. Matthew looks like he will be just fine. He is getting so big.:) I had a dream that Dad told me that you had a baby that weighed 21 lbs. and I kept telling him to tell me the truth, but he kept insisting that is what the baby weighed. Hopefully that was the 4 or 6 month visit weight not a birth weight for anyone ever!
Awwwww what a cute picture!! Looks like he got over the shots by lunchtime!! Glad you survived too. It's hard to see them cry from the shots. :-)
I love the style you wrote this in. :)
I just have to laugh at the kid down the hall screaming "You're killing me!" I can picture Ari doing that, the little drama queen. And it reminds me... when I was in labor, in the middle of the night, I heard a lady a few rooms down screaming and grunting and such. Yeh, THAT was unnerving!
Isn't it amazing how quickly they settle down after the shots? Ari always did well with hers--they never seemed to bother her much, and the worst that happened was a slight fever--no extra fussiness or sleeplessness. Here's hoping Matthew does just as well or better.
That last picture is awesome. He is such a sweetie!
Love the style u wrote this blog in! Steve did the same with his Egypt journal.
Sweet Matthew. It's hard to see your baby get those shots, but it has to be done. Although, I think it hurts us moms more than our babies, in the long run that is. I still remember Lyv's first shots, but she probably doesn't.
Lyv always did really well with hers, and to this day/or at her last time getting shots. She didn't even cry. She just sat on the edge of the table and watch the needle go into her thigh. lol She's crazy, just like her mom. lol
Praying Matthew doesn't have any SE or fussies from it.
Oh, I went off base the yesterday and was able to check my voicemails on my cell. Thank you for calling! I'd love to catch up, but you'll have to call the house phone. My cell isn't reliable on base. Looking forward to hearing from you!!!
Oh, love that last pic of Matthew! Could you send it to me in an email, please? I'll get it printed to update the one on the fridge. Speaking of fridges, I need a new one of Ari. Ok, I'm off to email Sara about that.
Awwwwwwwww poor little Matthew! I always hated taking you kids for shots but then I thought well it's better than getting the disease! Hope he'll sleep through the night tonight! Love that last pic of Matty! He has such a sweet smile! Give him a kiss for Gramma!
Look at that smile!! Doesn't look like he held his dr appointment against you. I still don't like getting shots, but I'm not sure that many people do. At least when they're that young they don't know what's coming until it happens.
He seems like such a happy baby, I love it!! Give him lots of kisses from his Auntie Jess!
Dylan used to cry a lot when he was getting his shots, but lately he's cried briefly and stopped and then he's totally fine for the day. Matthew's got the cutest little smile!!! I want to squeeze those cheeks so bad! hahaha
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