Random Information: Did you know that you can cut yourself with a fork? Word to the wise--beware when washing the dishes!
Matthew's shots are all ok, no raised bumps or redness or anything. He didn't even get a fever from them, but that could be because the doc had him on Tylenol the rest of the day. Preventive measures perhaps. But yesterday my little baby was not feeling so well. He had diarrhea and puked right after his morning feeding. He wasn't as active as he usually is, just cuddly and sad, and he was really hungry too, wanting to eat every hour and a half. Which I fed him of course, cause I didn't want him to get dehydrated. After his second dirty diaper, which was around lunch time, he started to perk up and act like his old self. In the evening I put him in his swing, and it's got this plastic bar that hangs toys over his head. I was watching TV and I heard the bar fall and I heard him instantly cry. It hit the poor little guy! :(. I don't even know why it would come off, unless we didn't attach it properly. Needless to say, I'm paranoid about putting him back in it. He settled down eventually, but it took a while, cause it was nighttime and he was tired as well. He had a small swollen red bump under his eye, but that was it. And today it looks better, just a spot and not swollen. Matthew has survived sickness and injury all in one day--what a trooper :) Josh hasn't been feeling well either for a couple days, but I think he's doing better as well. I hope I don't catch whatever they had.
Tonight is a Ladies' Fellowship at church, so the boys are staying home while I go out. And I've got a bottle all ready, so they should be totally fine without me. Oh, I'm bringing smore brownies with me to the fellowship--yum :)
Ok so I'm here typing right now and Matthew is hanging out in his crib. And he just started crying full force for no apparent reason. Then, he stopped, just like that. And now he's looking up at his mobile and smiling at it. Babies are weird, that's what I've decided. Sometimes there is just no obvious reason for what they do.
I thought I would answer a common question I get asked: is Matthew on a schedule? Yeah, sorta. Some days he falls into it perfectly, some days I try to get him back on track by the afternoon, and some days, like today, he totally does his own thing. He has started sleeping through the night more regularly, but he doesn't always wake up at the same time, which is why a schedule can easily get thrown off. He'll sleep about 8 hours maybe? Yeah, that's probably average. He wakes up around 6 most mornings. Do we have a routine? Yeah, a routine is probably a better word for it. He usually eats, stays awake for a while, then goes down for a nap. Of course if he doesn't nap as long as I want him to, then he's hungry early for his next meal. He can go normally 3 hours between feedings, though the time is shortened in the evening hours. It's more like 2 1/2. At night we'll give him a bath (not every night, and Josh does it more than I do), and I try to put him to bed at the same time each night, but church days kinda mess that up. Anywhere between 9 and 10 is good, cause we like to go to bed at 10 or 10:30.
Oh now I remember! When I started writing this post I knew there was something else I wanted to tell you about Matthew, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was. So I started rambling about fellowships and schedules in hopes that it would come to me. Alas, nothing! But I then I just went for a bathroom break, and being in there made me remember :) You'll understand why in the next sentence. We were giving Matthew a bath last night (see, that's why the bathroom jogged my memory) and he discovered splashing for the first time. It was so cute! He kicked his leg and heard the splash and his eyes shone with enlightenment. He loved the sound and the feel of the water. Then he did it again, but this time he moved his leg slower, like he was testing his theory. We'll have to give him more time in the bath to splash around. I remember when my niece lived nearby that she loved splashing around in the water before she could sit up. She would just kick her legs and pump her arms and get water everywhere. It was so cute :) And now my baby's gonna be doing that soon. I love watching him discover new things.
Well, that's all the stuff I have for now. Enjoy the day wherever you may be, whether you have a cool breeze or a heat wave, or something in between.
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This just in...Ok so I laid Matthew down for a nap as I was finishing up this post, so now it's a couple hours later. He sleeps on his belly in case you didn't know. I know I know, I'm an awful parent who doesn't put her child "back" to sleep. Sorry, but that's how he settles down best. Anyway, he was waking up from his nap and was fussing, of course. I wanted him to sleep longer, so I went in to pat his butt and shush him a little, in hopes that he'd relax and sleep a little more. He was pretty worked up and guess what he did? He rolled over onto his back! All by himself--I didn't help him at all, I swear! I was so excited for him that I didn't bother trying to get him to sleep again. I had to call his daddy and tell him the good news. Then as I thought about it, this might not be such a good thing after all. Once he catches on better that he can do this, he may not go to sleep for naps and nighttime very well. Say we lay him on his belly, but he doesn't want to sleep right away. Well, hey, he can just flip himself over, which means he won't relax as easily and he'll get more worked up and such. Ugh, this might end up being quite rough, for us and for him. He'll have to relearn how to fall asleep, and we'll have to be patient. It might not be as bad as I'm foreseeing, so we'll see. Nonetheless, I am truly excited about his new feat, and I'm very proud of him too.
By the way
11 years ago
Routines are so much fun and our babies are always so much happier when they know how it's going to go! Hope Matthew continues to feel better. No yuckies allowed! lol Oh Matthew loves to splash! Olyvia did love it! Now she takes showers with us and that is her new found love. But she loves going to the pool and splashing there. Smore brownies sound interesting. Holy cow! You're in for trouble now that your little man has flipped! lol jk. It might just be a fluke or you never know, it might be his favorite new thing at bedtime. lol You guys are such awesome parents and I know that no matter what Matthew decides to do with his flipping, ya'll be patient. have fun at the fellowship!
Wish I could go to the Ladies Fellowship with you! (sigh) You should do more entries like this one aka "a day in the life of matthew". It was fun reading it! But more pics, please!
What a big boy! Rolling over, splashing, he's growing up so quickly. Very cute.
Some people in church recommended a book called On Becoming Baby Wise for getting babies on a schedule early on. I'm interested in reading it to see how it all works. I'm definitely one for schedules because it makes for happy people all around. The kindergarteners knew our schedule and we rarely deviated from it because then they'd go crazy. Our kid is going to be around so many people, I'm not sure how it's going to work because I don't want to be picky or bossy when it comes to what the baby needs/wants...but I'm going to try my hardest to get a schedule going. Ah, the joys of parenting...or soon-to-be-parenting.
Hope manly night is going/went well!
I always hoped to get Ari on a schedule, but it's hard b/her days are so different. We do have a good routine going, though--for example, she's in bed by 8 every night. She gets up at 6:30 some mornings, and as late as 9 other mornings. But at least her bedtime is consistent. ;) I'm sure the schedule thing will be much easier for you to get a handle on. And if not, don't sweat it. :)
And yes, babies are weird. So are toddlers. And so are kids, and teens, and adults... you get the idea. :)
That's so cute that Matthew has discovered splashing. Ari has discovered Dumping Large Cups of Water Out of the Tub. Yeh, that's not as much fun for us.
And yay for Matthew rolling over! I wouldn't worry about it disrupting his sleep--now he can wriggle all around and get super-comfy, right? Right! :)
I tried to get Dylan on a schedule as early as possible. It did take me a while to get from his bedtime being 10 or 11 down to 8 which is his current bedtime. Church still messes me up as to his feeding/naptimes, but it's not too bad. We usually get home from the evening service around 8pm so it works out there. We have a prayer meeting on Wed. night and when he was young he used to sleep right through the meeting, but it's hard to bring him now so Steve and I take turns attending while the other is home watching Dylan.
It sounds like u have a good
routine down though. It sounds very similar to Dylan's schedule back then! Dylan used to go down around 10pm and then wake up around 6am...now he wakes up bright and early and ready to go at 7:30am every morning. :)
It's nice you can get out and ur hubby can watch the baby! Hope you had fun!
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