Yes, it's true, I had my first internal exam today, and I am alive to tell about it. Well, there's not much to tell really, and not much you want to know for that matter. Let's just say, yes, it hurts. People say, oh, it's uncomfortable, and I can agree in this way--pain is uncomfortable. I know that relaxing is supposed to help, but it's hard to relax when you know what's coming. You're waiting in the room hearing nurses walk by and wondering when the door will open. When the doc comes in, you make small talk while he dons a blue glove and tells you to lay back and relax. Ugh, I don't even like reliving the moment in my head. See, the doc does it fast so he'll be done sooner and you won't be uncomfortable anymore, but that doesn't give you much of a chance to relax, now does it? Not that I'm saying I want him to do it slowly either. It's not exactly a win-win situation, it's just one of the "perks" of being a woman (guys, you'll never understand). But it's all over for now, until next Friday. Well, actually it'll be the following Monday, cause they are closed for Good Friday. I must say that I am very thankful to God that I haven't been internally checked sooner. It's not fun, folks. Oh, and another positive--I was practing my breathing techniques during the exam. Don't know how much it helped. It didn't really get my mind to focus on something else. Hopefully that breathing stuff works for labor, though.
Ok, onto happier subjects. I feel like I've been celebrating my birthday all week. I've gotten cards in the mail, a check, and even a gift or two. Tomorrow's my official birthday, the Ides of March, the day Julius Caesar was murdered, but also the day I was born :). I originally wanted Josh to make me a cake because I love cake, but I'll be having cake at my baby shower, so I told him it wasn't necessary. He did let me open my gift last night. It was no surprise. It was the only thing I asked for, and I even saw him order it.
This is the CD from the Broadway production that my sister and I saw in New York over Christmas. It has all the original songs from the movie, plus a bunch of new ones they wrote for the show. We had a great time and the music is beautiful. Ah, memories :)
Oh, so before and after my exam, I did some errands while I was in that area. I looked in some stores in the mall, but I also walked all around for exercise. When lunch time rolled around, I was very tempted to get bad things. Sbarro was calling my name, and Cinnabon was wafting its sweet smells in my direction. But I opted for a healthier choice, Subway. I got tuna on wheat with lots of lettuce, tomato, and cucumber. So it was like having a salad and a sandwich all in one. I was pretty proud of myself. But it was kind of an easy decision, since I knew what dessert was going to be...
I went to Coldstone for my free birthday ice cream! I must say it's not ideal eating ice cream by yourself, especially when it's a cool, rainy day, but I soon forgot that once I took my first bite of Peanut Butter Cup Perfection. Mmm, it was perfection indeed! Chocolate ice cream, peanut butter cups, chocolate fudge, and peanut butter all mixed together for a tasty treat--it was divine! I felt like the girl in those Dove chocolate commercials where she takes a bite of the candy and suddenly the world around her is a velvety chocolate dream. Yeah, I went there today (sigh).
Alright, I need to go chill for a bit now. All that walking and doing stuff this morning has bothered my pinched nerve, so off to the haven of my heating pad!
By the way
11 years ago
Gah, I wrote a big old comment, and hit something and it disappeared. Oh well. It was nothing profound.
Glad to hear you survived the internal exam. Good job practicing your breathing, too! I always had a hard time focusing on something else when we practiced in class and such, but when it came time for the real thing, I did a much better job. Probably because it was real, and not just silly practice. Hopefully, it will work out that way for you too.
Yay for early birthday gifts! It makes sense that Josh gave you his early, since you already knew what it was.
Mmm, Coldstone. We went there the other night so Tony could use his birthday coupon, but of course I had to get something too. I was super-bad and got it in a chocolate-dipped waffle bowl, too. I know... bad Sara. But it was sooooo good!
Happy day-before-your-birthday!
Mmm...I love your choice of Coldstone ice cream!! They've closed the two nearest us and we haven't bothered to travel to the next closest one, but after reading your description... I even have a coupon and we still have some money left on our gift card your parents gave us for Christmas a while back. Even more tempting!!
I've had two internal exams and I've only had two OB appts thus far, totally getting the raw end of that deal! I would have only needed one if I saw the same dr twice, but I didn't, so the second dr needed to do an interal as well. They don't bother me as much as they seem to bother you, but I was happy to hear that I wouldn't be needing another one for a while. D was in the room and he was my witness in case they try anything again!!
And on that note, Happy almost bday!
Happy day before your birthday! Tomorrow you'll be a quarter of a century old! I guess that deserves a BIG party with lots of presents! Guess you baby shower qualifies, huh? Enjoy your special day!
Happy belated birthday!!! I was in NYC seeing Spamalot on Broadway starring Clay Aiken yesterday so I forgot to email you! Hope you had a great day!!!!
Luv Coldstone!!!! But I forgot to get my free b-day ice cream this year..awww well!!!
Nicole V.
You survived!! Did Josh get his game? I need to see about listening to the new Little Mermaid cd...
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