Saturday morning at 4am is when it all started. No, not labor. I was sick this weekend with some random stomach bug. Don't know where it came from or who I got it from, but it was not very fun. I couldn't keep anything down, not crackers, not even water. We talked to an on-call dr, and she said it didn't sound pregnancy-related. That was one of our theories, cause we've read that nausea and all that accompanies it could be a sign of labor. But she also said that if I can't keep anything down then I should go to the hospital and get an IV. I decided to stick it out for a couple more hours to see if I felt better, but that didn't happen. So Josh drove me to the ER, and they took me by wheelchair to the maternity ward. We figured they'd want to monitor the baby during this ordeal. They got fluids in me and gave me Phenegram, an anti-nausea medicine, and I zonked out. The dr. came in to check on me, but I wasn't aware of that, cause I was in a deep sleep. When it came time to go, the nurse was taking out the IV and helping me out of bed, but I felt like I was sleepwalking, cause my mind was not totally there. On the way home we picked up the RX they gave us, and we also bought some lighter items for me to eat: gatorade, 7Up, pudding, applesauce, chicken noodle soup, stuff like that. And when I got home I slept for a while and got up sometime after dinner. I was able to hold down some applesauce and water. I think I had crackers too. By the next morning I was still sluggish and weak, but I knew I was on the mend. We stayed home from church, which felt weird to do on Easter Sunday, but we showed up that night because we were having an Easter party for the kids we're in charge of in Adventure Club. By then I was more back to my normal self, but I was still taking it easy with the food. I didn't want to overdo it.
So why the title to this blog? I must brag on my husband, because he was the best nurse. He held my hair back for me while I threw up and got me a puke bucket to put by my bed. He let me know when he thought we should go to the hospital, and he listened to the dr.'s instructions while I was in dream land. He also told me that I looked pretty in a hospital gown. And he meant it too. I thought that was so sweet, and completely unexpected. Cause seriously, who ever looks good in a hospital gown? So, on to more bragging. He picked up all this light food for me to eat, and he made sure I was getting enough liquids in me. He took my temperature Saturday night, which was a good idea, because it was higher than normal. He wet a washcloth for me to take to bed. I was up several times to use the potty and rewet the cloth, and every time I came back to bed he asked if I was ok, if he could do anything for me. Even in the middle of the night he was so attentive to my needs. On Sunday he made sure I took it easy. He emptied the dishwasher and loaded it up with the new dirty dishes. Then he basically cleaned the rest of the kitchen and picked up other things around the house. I didn't have to worry about a thing cause he was here for me. Sunday night when we were in bed I thanked him for taking care of me this weekend, and he said,
You're welcome. I enjoyed it. He's such a sweetie. I don't deserve him. I love you, Josh!
I had an appointment today. There's not much to report. I gained two pounds since last time, and the baby's heart rate was 142, and everything else is progressing the way it should, so I'm doing good and the baby's doing good. At this point we're just trying to be patient while we wait for him to arrive.
And last but not least, here is the last installment of BABIES FOR DUMMIES.

Yeh, Mom called me to tell me about you being sick, but the first thing she said was "Have you heard from Josh?" Then she quickly added "It's not the baby" lol. Silly Mom.
Sorry to hear you were so sick, but I'm glad you kicked it quickly. Being sick is never fun, but it's worse when you've got that little one inside you that you're worried about. But it's good to know that your body will take care of him before it will take care of you--even if it's to your detriment! ;)
And you do so deserve Josh, because you're pretty awesome yourself, you know. ;)
Aww, last installment of Babies for Dummies? Bummer. Anyway, I don't see what's wrong with the "waking baby" one--some babies are really deep sleepers. It makes sense! ;)
And as far as the "washing baby" one... well, let me tell you, there will probably be several diaper disasters where you'll feel like you need to take a hose to the kid... and yourself! Ah, the fun you have to look forward to. >:)
Love you!
I'm so glad you are feeling better. We missed you Sunday morning - but you did the right thing staying home to rest!! :-)
I'm glad to hear that your dr. appt. went well. I was hoping he would say that it's time, oh well.
I agree with Sara about washing the baby. I believe Dad used the hose method on a few of our kids when I wasn't home and they were a real mess.
Kids are so much fun.:)
9 more days or less-hopefully
Mom 2
Sorry you were sick:( I am glad you are feeling better!
Wow, sorry you were so sick, Mary!! That is no fun at all, especially throwing up. If I had any type of morning sickness this would be our only child! You did the right thing going to the hospital. Glad it's all over with and you're on your way to having the baby!
I definitely say Josh is a keeper! Seems like he's a great nurse just like your Dad is! Way to go Josh! Glad you're feeling better now, Mary. Being sick is no fun especially with that big tummy! Won't be long now @ all!
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