My dad is the best father a girl could ask for. Some children can't recall past memories where their father is involved, but I am thankful that I do. I know he loved me from the moment I was born, and probably before that too. He used to call me pumpkin when I was little. Why? Well, that's because when I was born I was jaundice, which is supposed to make your skin look yellow. But I had darker skin, so I was orange instead. Hence the nickname. I also remember when I'd ask him to pick me up, and he'd say, "You want me to pink you up?" Yup, he had a corny sense of humor from the beginning, but it just makes him all the more lovable. I also remember asking him to check me out, even when I didn't feel sick. He'd oblige my childhood antics and retrieve his doctor bag from the hall closet. First he'd hoist me up onto the counter, and then he'd check my reflexes by hitting my knees with that cool little hammer. Then he'd feel my throat glands, to make sure they weren't swollen. My favorite part was when he'd pull out his little device to check ears. It had a light and everything! He'd always tell me that he found pink elephants or ones with blue polkadots.

When I wasn't playing around, he was the best real doctor. When my tummy hurt, he'd make sure I took the right medicine. And when my feet would cramp up (which they did a lot) he'd massage away the pain. When I had a bad dream, he was so easy to wake up in the middle of the night. And he'd come back to my room with me and rub my back until I relaxed and went to sleep.

My dad has always been the silent leader of our family. He did not always say much in a large and loud crowd, but when he did speak, all of us around the table would stop to listen. He would tell us something that happened at work or about something he heard on the radio. A lot of times, he had a new joke to tell us, and though they brought groans, I always enjoyed his sense of humor. Because it was clean and safe. I've never once heard my dad tell a dirty joke or say a bad word. In fact, as a child, I remember one time trying to get him to say some potty words just because I'd never heard him say anything like that, but he wouldn't give in to me.

The dictionary definition for the word meek is : Showing patience and humility; gentle. There should be a picture of my dad right next to it, because that is him in a nutshell. I remember hearing my preacher and Bible teacher say how Moses was the meekest man in the Bible, and I thought, Yeah, my dad is just like Moses. I think sometimes the strongest leaders are the quiet ones. It takes a different type of character to lead by example, and it takes a deep wisdom to know when it's best to let your actions speak for you. My dad knows how to do all of that. Proverbs 4:1 says "Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding." As a child, I didn't know how to hear my dad all the time, but looking back I can appreciate his leadership and I can see how he instructed me in not-so-obvious ways. That's my dad, influencing me without me realizing it until later.

My dad is so supportive. He's been there for all the milestones, from graduating high school to getting married. He's supported my decisions, like changing my major a few times or picking the man I'd spend the rest of my life with. I know he's proud of me, and yet, the tables are turned because I am proud of him too. He has raised five children and taken care of my mom when she was sick. And now he gets to reap the benefits. He goes on romantic trips with my mom, an almost 6-year breast cancer survivor. And four of his kids have brought new spouses to the family, two grandkids, and two more on the way. I hope his cup overflows with joy at this stage in his life, because he deserves it.

My dad is recovering right now, and we are all praying for him to get better fast. He's rarely been sick all his life. I remember a cold here and there, or maybe the chills one winter, but that's it. He's always been healthy. So it was pretty scary to hear that there was something wrong with his heart and that he had to be taken to the hospital two nights ago. But I know God is healing him, and He has given him a wonderful wife to help him recuperate. Get better soon, Dad! Your grandson can't wait to meet you :)
OK, there should have been a "tissue warning" at the beginning of this entry... I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. And I'm at work, too! :P
This is so beautiful, Mary, and we share so many of the same memories. I remember how I would always go to Dad in the middle of the night, because no matter what time it was, all I had to do was whisper, "Daddy?" and he was instantly awake.
Pink elephants in the ears! I'd forgotten about that until you mentioned it. :)
And I proudly credit my wacky sense of humor to his genes.
OK, I have to shut up because I'm seriously going to cry.
I love you, Mary. And love you, too, Daddy!
That is really a nice tribute to your Dad, Mary.
I agree with Sara that you should have had a warning.
Mom 2
I haven't met a person yet who has had a bad thing to say about your dad. He is one of the sweetest, most kindest people I know and I was and have been praying hard for him. It sounds like he's good to go, though...God is good. I liked all the pictures you posted in the entry, very sweet!
What a wonderful daughter you are. I do not feel that I deserve all that you said. Having a grateful daughter like you is a blessing, thank you so much. I love you very much, Love, Dad!
Mary, I agree with Sara, you should have given a tissue warning!! I agree with all you said about your Dad! He's the BEST man I've ever known & I count it a priviledge to be his wife! I am truly blessed! God is so good to return my sweetheart to me all safe & sound after his recent illness! Praise the Lord for answered prayer!
OH......Mary what a beautiful tribute to your dad! I too needed the tissues....:)You are certainly right, your dad is a very special man,special to lots of people. I remember so well too, how he cared for all you guys when you were little. He was always so attentive and gentle, were my first impressions of him. And you are right, the Lord is taking care of him and healing him especially with the tender loving care of your dear sweet mom. Your family has always been dear and near to my heart and will always be....
take care of that little boy, can't wait to meet him .....:)
Debbie D.
I will be praying for your Dad Mary. Janelle
I agree w/ your sister...there should have been a warning before I read that entry! Anyway, it was sooo sweet, and I love the pics of u and your dad! I'm glad he's on the mend!
Mary, you have written a beautiful tribute to Dad. Dad is truly a wonderfully, compassionate man.
We've been praying for Dad.
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