This is the pattern of the Snoopy one up close. Aren't they both so cute? Thank you, grandma! Your great-grandson is going to love these!

I put up this next picture not because I look fabulous, cause I don't, but it's so you can see our stroller all set up. The brand is Chicco, and the colors are gray and green. We think it looks sharp, and it's not too boyish for a girl later on down the road.

Ok, and this next one is not supposed to be a belly picture. Well, it was at first, cause that's why Josh took it, but I don't think it shows my belly very good. But I put it up because I want you to notice something. Take a good look at my arm. Doesn't my hand look fat? Yeah, that's the good ol' swelling I've been having. It looks like a monkey paw! A chubby monkey paw! And today my feet are doing the same thing. I'll be glad to see this go away when I deliver our little dude.

And finally, the next shots are officially of my eight-month belly. The first one I took while Josh was napping, which is why it was taken so close. My arms are only so long you know. And the next one Josh took before we went to church. Behold, the biggest Easter egg on the planet!!

Let's see, what else did we do this weekend? We did some errands Saturday morning, one of them being a stop at JCPenney to look for a cushion for the rocking chair. And we found one on clearance for $7! Can't beat that! It probably wouldn't have been my first choice, but Josh liked the price, and he thought the colors matched the wood of the rocking chair nicely. It doesn't match the nursery, but that's ok, because someday when our kids aren't babies, the chair won't be in their room. And again, 7 bucks? I am ok with that!
Oh, we bought girl scout cookies outside of Walmart too. Josh's fav is the Thin Mints, which he's gotten me to love also. I like the Tagalongs, recently renamed Peanut Butter Patties, which, coincidentally, describes what they are! Yeah, so that box is gone, and so is one box of the Thin Mints. Did I say that we love these cookies? Cause we do :) We knew they wouldn't last long in the house. And ya wanna hear something weird? Josh likes to put the Thin Mints in the freezer! They are good that way too. They aren't really frozen, just nice and cold, and all the more yummier!
And I would like you all to cheer for me now, because I finally set up an appointment with a pediatrician! I've been dragging my feet on it, but I don't know why. I think it's because he won't be permanent. If we move, it will be farther away from him, so we would most likely change doctors. And I didn't want to put in all the effort of interviewing several pediatricians. The guy I've picked comes recommended by my OB, so I think we'll like him. A while back my sister sent me a few websites that give you good questions to ask the pediatrician, so I've been working on a composite list of things we want to ask. I'm excited now that the appointment's set up, because it makes the arrival of this baby more imminent. We want him to come early, just so we can see him sooner. I hope he looks like Josh, but I want to see some of my features in him too. It'll be fun to study his cute little face.
Oh, I had a Braxton Hicks contraction the other day. Don't panic. For those of you who don't know, it's not a sign of real labor, so relax. It's practice contractions that your uterus does from time to time to warm up for the big day. It was so weird, my whole belly was firm and tight, and I had Josh feel it, and he was like, Whoa, that thing's a rock! It was pretty cool :)
I have another baby shower coming up, and I'm excited. It'll be fun to hang out with the ladies and hear them tell me how big I am, but then tell me how great I look. You know, you don't wanna upset a hormonal pregnant woman, so ya gotta be careful ;). Is it bad for me to say that I'm looking forward to the gifts? I really am. It's fun to see what other people pick out for my kid to wear or play with, things I haven't seen or thought of. And I like writing the thank you notes too. Is that weird? Maybe, but it's me, so adjust :). And once the shower is done, I can really start listing out what's left that we need to get before this baby arrives. And then I can go shopping--yay!
Oh, yeah, I need to pack a bag for the hospital too. Well, first things first, make a list of what I want and need, then proceed to pack it all up.
Ok, I've been at the computer for several hours, so I need to go put my feet up and drink some water. Peace out!
Dude, in that first pic, where you can only see your eyes... I thought I was looking at a pic of myself for a second (which makes no sense, I know). I guess you do look like me... sorry! :)
Of course you know I love that Mickey blanket. If I ever come visit, you'd better hide it! >:)
Aww, Mare, I think you look fabulous in all those pics. Though your comments are cracking me up--chubby monkey paws? Biggest Easter egg? Well, at least you're seeing the humor in all this. :)
Mmm, Girl Scout cookies. I like the ones with the chocolate bottoms, and the caramel and coconut on top... I forget what they're called, but it's some kind of weird name.
Glad you found a pediatrician! I remember being all panicky about finding one, and then I told myself to chill out--if I didn't like the one we picked, it's not like I was committed for life. I guess I felt like I had to find the perfect one before Ari was born, and would be stuck with the person forever. Luckily, we love the one we've got, and the other drs in her practice, so I think we're good for a while. :)
Yay for another baby shower! I know what you mean about liking the gifts b/it's fun to see the things other people think of. I've gotten some pretty neat stuff as gifts--stuff I never would have thought of, or stuff I didn't bother to register for b/it didn't seem necessary.
Also, saw your comments about Kristen Chenoweth... sorry I forgot to tell you about her being on the Oscars. I'm not surprised you found it on YouTube, though--you can find EVERYthing there! It's a wonderful invention. :)
Love you! Kisses to BC!
Love the quilts! They are perfect!
I love the pic of you with the stroller. Your stroller is very cool, as well. Love the colors!!
It's nice when you get several showers because then you basically don't need to buy anything!
Glad you found a pediatrician. We loved our pediatrian there. Haven't found one here that we like as much, but that's because of our insurance.
Love you guys!!
Your stroller is awesome! I've been getting different opinions about travel systems versus buying the car seat and the stroller separately. I haven't heard a convincing argument either way, so I'll probably go with the economical route.
Baby showers, like wedding showers, are a real blessing. We didn't need to buy virtually anything after our showers. On the other hand, one of the ladies from church offered to take me out to dinner and then buy me a maternity outfit, which I thought was really sweet because it's a special time in your life, too, that can get overlooked in all the hustle and bustle of baby shopping and drs appointments.
Oh and those blankets are beautiful! Josh's grandma has such a gift!
Absolutely LOVE those two blankets! Now you have some family heirlooms to pass along! You look radiant in all those pics, too! Pregnancy really agrees with you! It won't be long now at all until you hold your precious baby in your arms! I can hardly wait to see who he looks like but I bet he'll be a perfect blend of both of you!
I really love the mickey mouse blanket. It goes perfectly with the nursery I think. Pretty good for someone who is almost 81, huh?
Baby C will be here before we know it. Can't wait!
I emailed you already, but I wanted to comment on ur sister's post...I LOVE Kristen Chenoweth (I think I spelled that wrong). I was surprised to see her performing at the Oscars, and of course, I loved it! Steve and I went to see Wicked in NYC 2 years ago, and I wish we could have seen her play the Good Witch. We saw some other girl play her but she wasn't as good as her...I just listen to the soundtrack now).
That first picture - it really does look like your sister!!
Ok - so when I looked at what you said was a fat hand - I saw something different. It actaully looks like you have really short fingers. I guess you have them bent, but it really looks like that is just the end of them in the picture. Weird.
Love the pink shirt - you look so cute in it!!
As for the girlscout cookies - they have always been called Peanut Butter Patties to me. When I moved up here - I thought they had changed all the names - but I think it just depends on where they get them or something. Different parts of the country call them different things - weird!!
Yay for meeting with the pediatrician!! We never did an interview/appt. We just picked the one Brad's cousin used and trusted her judgement.
I can't wait for your shower next weekend. I need to do some shopping...
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