Wednesday night (yes, we missed church for it) we had childbirth preparation class, and we'll have three more of those this month. We brought our pillows from home. The teacher talked about what was going on in our bodies right now, and we spent a lot of time on when to know if you're in labor, or if it's false labor, all that good stuff. There were five couples total in the class, and only us and one other couple remembered our pillows. One guy who forgot his pillows called us "over-achievers." And I got all mad at him, cause I was thinking, Hello? The paper said to bring pillows. We followed directions. But I was good, I didn't say any of this out loud, but I wanted to :) Ok, so the second half of class we moved the tables and chairs to the sides and pulled out some mats. The pregnant people (that would be me) got to lay down on them with our pillows and get comfy. Then the teacher instructed our coaches (that would be Josh) how to massage us and get us to relax. They were told to start by stroking our hair, and my silly husband started pulling my hair! Then I got the giggles and we were both laughing. Not exactly relaxing to begin with, but it was fun :) Once we got serious about it, ahh, it was so nice! And she told us to practice at home, so I'm excited about that :) Oh yeah, she also taught us some exercises to relieve pain, like in the lower back. We had a good time overall. It's fun learning this stuff along with Josh. I mean, I've been reading books and stuff, but it makes it more real to drive to the hospital where our child will be born and take the classes together. I love having him with me!
Today I had a dr.'s appt, and everything went, eh, ok. They used a tiny probe to test for a common bacteria that pregnant women get. It's not even a big deal if I have it, cause they will just give me medication while I'm in labor, so the baby doesn't get it while he passes through the canal. Anyway, the doc said I'd feel pressure (I think that's every OB's favorite word), but it hurt! And that surprised me, which made me tense, which didn't make it feel any better. So yeah, a tiny probe and I was in pain. I can't even imagine what labor will be like. Oh, so my next appt. is in two weeks, and I believe he said that they'd start checking my cervix to see if I'm dilated. And I said, Already?! That seems too soon, but he's the doc. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to that.
Me: Will it hurt?
Dr: You'll feel some pressure. (there's that word again)
Me: Yeah, well, if this thing you just did hurt, then I'm sure next time it will hurt worse.
Ugh, I don't want to go thru that. Do I sound like a baby? I'm sure labor and delivery will hurt worse, but now I'm going to be scared at my upcoming appointments. Is it too early to cry about this? Cause I already did on the way home, and I'm sure I'll cry again when Josh gets here. He's so awesome though, cause he'll put his arms around and tell me something awesome that will make me feel better. He'll probably get me to laugh too. I love him so much. He's gonna be the best coach for me, cause he knows me so well. I haven't been able to wear my rings for a while now, and I really miss that, cause I like people to know that I'm married to this wonderful man. Oh, it must be the hormones, cause I'm crying right now as I write this. I think the fear of labor is starting to build. I mean seriously, who in their right mind wants to go through pain? It's something you instinctively avoid, you know? But I know the Lord will equip my mind and body to get through whatever I need to get through. And He's given me Josh, whose gonna help me so much, I just know it.
Ok, time to dry the tears. Josh sent me an e-mail he got from a co-worker, and it was called "Babies for Dummies." These are so funny! I was laughing out loud as I went through them. There's a bunch of them, so I won't post them all at once. Enjoy the weekend!!

Mary, Don't worry about labor! You're right, God will prepare you & be with you all the way! If it was that bad, do you think I would have had 5 kids? As far as exams hurting, even though I've been through 5 labors, tubal pregnancy, 2 miscarriages, abdominal surgery, cancer surgery, chemotherapy & radiation, I still hate exams when they are uncomfortable. It's a natural reaction. Don't worry about being worried! You'll come through just fine! :) I love you!
Yeh, I remember reading that taking a rectal temp can help a constipated baby--and I remember trying that trick with Ari, poor thing. She actually didn't used to mind having her temp taken that way, but now... hoo boy. She hates it. Can't say that I blame her.
Yay, childbirth classes! I always loved them, too, for the same reason you said--b/Tony and I got to do it together. We also used to get a little silly practicing the massages and stuff. I can't help it--it's funny! :) There was this one time the teacher made us watch a video of all this beautiful scenery with soothing music--we were supposed to practice getting a "focal point" and meditating. I was just like, "um... OK?" I've never been good at the meditating thing, lol.
That was the strep B test, right? I tested positive for it, so don't feel bad if you do! Like you said, it's no big deal. I'm sorry that it hurt too. I always hated the internal exams... in fact, the dr delayed my first one. Here's why: when you first get there, you know how they weigh you and take your blood pressure and all that? Well, my BP was crazy, and basically, I told my dr it was b/I was so nervous about the internal exam. So he let me put it off. You could try asking your dr to do that, though you're going to have to face it eventually. and when I did have to have it done, it wasn't that bad, seriously. No worse than a Pap smear, which I know are no fun, but usually they're not painful.
And as far as labor... dude, you get drugs for that! And the Gret Big Epidural isn't the only one there is... there's other things they can give you beforehand to "take the edge off" and such. I know nothing I say is going to make you less scared--this is a journey that you need to go through yourself, with Josh and god at your side. But I know you can do it, and you'll do it well. I don't know if you remember me telling you, but when I was in hard labor, it was like this raw maternal instinct took over, and I went to this powerful place inside myself where I was able to handle everything. I know that sounds kind of hokey, but I don't know how else to describe it, lol. Maybe you'll know what I mean. ;)
OK, I've rambled enough. I love you, sis! You are going to make it through everything just fine. *hugs*
Um, oops, somehow I forgot to capitalize "God" up there. Of all the words to forget to capitalize... :/
Oh, and also? (Because I haven't babbled enough yet...) I love those "Babies for Dummies" things--the bonding one is my favorite! :D
Mary, take all your worries to the Lord and he will take care of you. Just be sure to leave those worries with Him and don't try to take them back. Josh will be with you on one side and the Lord your keeper and protector will be completely surrounding you. Let His peace flow through your heart, soul and mind and be at ease.
As you know, I didn't deliver Olyvia vaginally, but a C-section can be a dangerous procedure and I remember having the same fears as you do. One of my long-distant friends told me what I have now passed along to you. Believe me, once I gave it completely to the Lord, it was gone. I'll be praying for you.
I know my personal opinion is not worth much to most people, but I'll share either way. Olyvia has never had a rectal temp done on her. Even as a newborn, I gave strict instructions not to. It is very old-school and should really only be done if absolutely necessary. Too many kids, especially as they've gotten old (about Olyvia's and Ari's age), have gotten punctured and hurt, due to the fact that they don't hold still. My personal opinion would be to avoid it. But to each his own. Apple juice works great for constipation.
I really dislike the exams, but if you just relax and think on other things, it makes it easier.
Steve and I really enjoyed our childbirth classes. They were alot of fun and Steve was and still is such a pro at swaddling! My attempts are terrible compared to his! lol
Love the little cartoon.
Love you and we're praying for you.
David was CRACKING up at those Babies for Dummies cartoons!! I enjoyed them, too, but not nearly as much as he did. It was like he was forming some ideas...
The baby classes sound really helpful! It's nice that Josh gets to go with you, too. D went to our first OB appt with me and talks about going to all the others, but really they're only like 10 mins long. We'll see. It sounds like he'll really enjoy the baby classes, though.
You'll do great during delivery. When I think about it, I just tell myself to look at all the women who have had babies, multiple times, so it's surviveable. And you'll have Josh there and maybe family, so they'll help you make it through just fine. We'll all be praying for you!!
I had the epididural and I felt so wonderful afterwards!!! I'm not too good with pain either though I did fine for the c-section. My mom had 3 c-sections so I felt ok w/ it. The recovery from the c-section was not fun, but I was also anemic afterwards so I had to recover from that too.
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