I had a doctor's appointment today, and all went well. The baby's heartrate was 145, and get this, I avoided the internal exam again! Whoo-hoo! But he's definitely doing it next time, but hey, I get to put it off for another week. I am so happy about that :) I told him that I have pain all over, my legs, my hips, my groin, my lower back. Everything hurts when I get up, move around, or any kind of position change. Last night (or early this morning) I had issues after I got up to pee, because I just wasn't comfortable in bed and it was keeping me awake. I woke Josh up as well with my moaning. Poor guy :( He needs his sleep so he can function at work. So I got up at 4am to read a little. I was tired, but I didn't want to lay down right away. I thought that sitting up for a bit would help my aching muscles, and I think it did. I shut our bedroom door because I had the light on and didn't want to disturb my slumbering hubby. Well, when he got up this morning, he didn't know the door was shut and ran into it (sorry honey). I tried sleeping in the bed again at 6:30 and it worked. I woke to the 8am alarm, wishing it was not going off. It's a good thing I had Josh reset it for me, otherwise I might have been rushing to my appointment. Oh yeah, that's how this paragraph started, me talking about my appointment. Where was I? Oh yeah, I told him about my aches and pains and he said that in a year or two when I want to get pregnant again I will forget all the uncomfortableness. He told me that he had a patient on her 4th kid and she was going with no pain meds. She was doing the typical, screaming in pain, cursing, yelling at her husband. By the time the baby came out and they cleaned him off and gave him to her, she said, Oh, that wasn't so bad. I think God puts the unpleasantnesses (is that a word?) of pregnancy and labor in our short-term memory so that we'll keep having kids. I wonder if guys could ever handle what we go through?
I also told him I was concerned that the baby's movements have decreased. He doesn't seem as active lately. He told me to do the fetal movement test at home, which is just counting every movement in an hour (8-10 is good, less than that is bad), and just to be on the safe side, he told me they would give me a non-stress test. Nothing stresses you out more than to be told you are going to have a non-stress test. No, I'm kidding, I wasn't really worried. I actually felt kinda special that I had to get something extra done. I got to relax in a recliner and they strapped a moniter to my belly to hear the baby's heartbeat. It prints out a paper that shows if his heart rate changes with his movements. Oh, and I had a button that I pressed every time I felt movement. I almost fell asleep in the chair. Anyway, the nurse said I passed with flying colors. So I guess he's still just as active. I either don't feel it cause of my padding (hee hee) or he's purposely making subtle movements so I won't feel him as much. What a booger! But I love him anyway :).
Oh yeah, and my blood pressure was lower than last time, so the doc seemed pleased with that. And to quote a famous movie, That's all I have to say about that.