Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's About Time

No, not walking by himself, but here's something else I've been waiting for...

I've seriously only heard him call me "momma" like 2, maybe 3 times. But finally he's made the connection more permanently. Well, I think he's always known my name, but he would say "dada" just to be a booger.

We took Matthew for his 18 month pictures over the weekend, and he was not cooperative. We did manage to get a few good shots, but I don't have any up for this post. For the professional pics, I had this plan to get some adorable pictures in his pj's with his new buddy, Wrinkles. But like I said, not cooperative. So the other day I whipped out my camera after breakfast, and guess who decided to be cute and smile? Yep.

Say Cheese!

Giving Wrinkles a nosy...

...and a hug.

There's my cute boy!


Moz + Pam said...

Nothing warms a mommy's heart more than to hear herr child say "momma"! I like how he say "cheese"! Very pretty wallpaper, too!

Janelle said...

Yay for saying Momma...finally! I love the first picture! It is so cute! He is getting so big. Thanks for the pics. I hung them on the fridge. I miss you too. Let's get together soon ok? Maybe next Wednesday?

Unknown said...

Ya, Dylan just started calling me "Mama"! They said it's because I'm always around. And of course he's been saying "Dada" for LONG time. I know he knows my name, but never felt the need to say it lol. Why would he need to call me when I'm right here? hahaha

Soooo cute pics of Matthew smiling for you!

Sara said...

A "nosy"--how cute! :)

He is getting so big!