In another Matthew report, he saw his pediatrician yesterday for his 18-month check up. He's 27 lbs. 5 oz. and 35 inches tall. This boy is growing for sure. He said by this point that most kids can say 6 words, and I'm like, yeah, he's got way more words than that, so we're good. He did voice concern about Matthew not walking, so he's gonna have a PT (physical trainer) call us to set up an appointment. Josh and I don't really think it's necessary, since he's been improving and walking between us and everything, but at the same time, I guess one meeting wouldn't hurt anything. Maybe he/she'll have and idea we haven't thought of?
Cute story alert: Last weekend I had been working hard with the dishes and laundry and making cookies for our Sunday School get together, and I was wiped out by late afternoon. My feet were also a little puffy from being on them for a while. So I asked Josh to rub my feet, and he did, but then Matthew was so curious about it, that he got in on the action too. Josh showed him how to do it, and there I was, relaxing, while both my boys rubbed my feet. Yeah, it felt as nice as it sounds :)
We bought a new kitchen table several weeks back.
Why? Cause the one we had is an apartment size table, and we needed something to accommodate guests and our growing family. It looks pretty much like our other one (both are from Ikea).
So where's our original table?
Right here.
But where's here? Ok, I'll show you.
It's in our laundry room! It was Josh's idea to put it there, and I'm so glad he thought of it. Now I have a laundry table where I can separate and fold clothes. This is especially helpful being pregnant, cause it's at waist-level and I can stand by it. Sitting on the couch and bending over is much harder. So yes, it's a small blessing, but I love it nonetheless. I think eventually I need to put a laundry sign on the wall over the table. I told Josh that down the road we need to tile the floor and make it look homier. It would be fun, but first we've got more imoportant rooms to set up.