Friday, April 3, 2009

Static, Stats, and "More"

I mentioned that Matthew had a dr.'s appt. Monday, and here are the stats:
Height: 32 in. (95th%)
Weight: 23 lbs. 4oz. (60th%)

I wondered if I should be concerned that his weight dropped significantly, but Dr. said that's normal for a baby his age, since they start to get more active. He said as long as he doesn't keep losing but instead keeps climbing in the charts, he should be fine. Matthew also got 4 shots at the office, so he was miserable for the rest of the day. But he was fine by Tuesday.
Matthew's first signed word, "more."

He uses it the right way too. He's in his highchair, and I'll ask him if he wants more of whatever I'm feeding him. And he'll sign for me. But then, when it's around lunchtime and we're playing on the floor and I ask him if he's hungry, he'll sign "more" and point to the highchair. And the other night Josh had him in his pj's ready for bed. They were waiting for me to finish washing the dishes. All on his own Matthew started signing "more" and pointing to me. So apparently he thinks it means food or eating in general. But that's ok I guess.

Here's a fun video I haven't shown you yet. Josh and Matthew have a great time together.

And here's Matthew walking with some help. Sometimes his steps are so big and exaggerated I can't help but laugh. Well, he doesn't do it in this video, but this is still cute, so watch anyway :).
That's all I have folks. Have a great weekend!


Moz + Pam said...

Very cute pics of Matthew with static cling! LOL! The video of him walking is great but the one with Josh tickling his stomach isn't loading for me. :(

Moz + Pam said...

Oh now it's adoreable! I'm impressed with his signing, too! What a cuite!

dave + jess said...

Matthew looks so old now, Mary! He looks like a little boy, not a baby anymore :(! That seemed to happen overnight, huh?

Micah sticks his fingers/hands in his mouth then he's being played with, too. It's like a steadying force or something.