Sorry it's taken me a whole week to get to this. The weekend was busy, obviously, since we had his party and all. And then he had a dr.'s appt. Monday, and then there are just days where the time gets away from me and I haven't been on the computer once. But now I finally have a chance, so here I go!
Matthew's actual b-day was Friday, so we had him open some gifts that night. Which ended up being a good idea, since he had lots of things to open. He got clothes, toys, books, you know, typical baby/toddler stuff. We tried to encourage him to rip the paper, but he didn't catch on too well to that. So Josh pretty much opened all his gifts for him. But he loved watching it happen! I've got some video below of how much he enjoyed his presents being opened.
Saturday was party day. I tried not to make it a big affair. Josh's family came over our apartment, and that was plenty of people to fit into our small space. I think if I'd invited others, there wouldn't have been standing room :) We had tacos, and of course cake. I was so mad later because I bought ice cream for the occasion and completely forgot to get it out of the freezer!

Here's the froggie cake I made. Came out better than I expected.
I had some leftover cupcakes, and Josh brilliantly suggested we spell out his name. We had just enough :)
Sarah and Donald were able to come for the party, and of course they brought my cute little niece. Matthew was thrilled to have his cousin there.
Present time! This is a box of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse board books. Very cute.
Though he doesn't seem interested in the picture, that book, I Love You Through and Through, is one of his favorites now. I think he's requested it every day since the party.
Of course the birthday boy needed a party hat, but he wasn't too thrilled with it.
Cake time!
Dad, is this really all for me?
Mmm, sugar!
We took a family picture before he got too messy.
Oh yeah, he had fun making a mess. He got frosting everywhere, but he managed to eat most of the cupcake. Guess he likes sweets just like I do ;)
We had to give him a bath. No amount of wet paper towels or baby wipes was gonna get him really clean.
Picture with Grammy and Grandpa. He was in a great mood for the whole party, but at this point he wanted real food. Plus, his afternoon nap wasn't very long, so he was getting tired.
Well, that's all there is. I am officially the mother of a one-year-old. Though I can't say I'm the mother of a toddler until he starts walking on his own. Thank you to everyone who sent cards and gifts and well wishes!