Where does the time go? I think I pretty much say that every time Matthew is a month older, but seriously, 5 months already?! It seems like he was just born yesterday. My OB says it's time for another one ;) I'm not so sure about that. Handling one baby is enough for me right now. I don't think I could do two. Props for those with multiples!
I was just telling Josh on the phone that when Matthew's in a good mood, it doesn't take much to make him laugh. He's very ticklish, and sometimes if we repeat a word over and over to him that he thinks is funny, he gets the biggest smile on his face. You know that kind of smile right before a laugh? Yeah, that's the one, with eyes sparkling and everything. I love to watch him enjoy stuff--it's so cool. And kinda strange. Just today he pulled the burp cloth over his face (he does that with any blanket-type toy) and normally he gets all excited, but today he was laughing out loud! He was nuts I tell you. I was on the phone with my brother-in-law, and Matthew's over on the floor just laughing it up and having a great time. What a weird kid. He must get that from me ;)
I don't have anything to update really, since I talked about him recently in a post. Oh, I don't think I've told you this yet, but he's been doing it for a while. He scratches his head... and he draws blood too. One time he did it so bad it looked like a cat had clawed him. I try to keep his nails short, but they are still sharp, and I guess his head itches. His scalp is really dry, so I've been applying baby oil every night to help that out.
Overall he's just more playful as he gets older. We'll kiss all over his cheeks, and he'll scream and push us away sometimes. He's ticklish up by his neck and on his ribs mostly. In physical development, we're still working on him sitting up, but he definitely prefers to lay flat on his back. When he's in that position, he rolls onto his side, but not all the way over yet. He's better about being held. He likes to be up on our shoulder and he'll sit on our laps at the computer or in the rocking chair. Naps are still touch and go. Some days are by the book, and some days aren't. One day he didn't take any naps at all, but then that night he slept for 12 hours. Which just goes to show you that he does need the rest, he's just resistant to it sometimes. He is such a good baby though. Even though I complain about his lack of sleeping skills (which I am to blame for) he's so mellow and content most of the time. Some have called him a dream baby. He may not be perfect, since no kid ever is, but he's my dream come true.