Hi folks! Yeah, I haven't been on the computer in a week. Who knew one could survive without such an integral piece of technology in this day and age? Our computer broke, which is why I haven't been dipping into blog land these days. We just ordered one today, so once Dell builds it and sends it to us, I'll be back in business. I'm using Josh's work computer for now, but of course he has it with him during the day, and in the evening I'm usually too tired or too busy to blog. And plus none of my Matthew pictures are on his computer, and there's just too much effort involved. I know I know, I'm lazy. I've got some cute pics of our baby that I will put up eventually.
We've also been busy with our church's VBS this week. Josh runs the show, and I'm in charge of the music. I thought it would difficult to juggle my responsibilities with having a baby to feed and take care of, but it worked out pretty good. I'd feed him when we arrived at church, and then I'd hand him off to one of his aunts while I taught the kids the songs. Then I'd at least check on him to make sure he wasn't crying, and then I'd either take him back or let them keep watching him while I sat with the kids during the Bible verse and lesson and stuff. Our theme was Outrigger Island, so we decorated the stage with Hawaiian and island things, and it turned out pretty good. On the last night Josh let all the kids throw one water balloon at him, and I've got that on video. Maybe I'll have to post that. The water balloons came after he got two cream pies in his face :)
Happy 4th everyone! Enjoy the three-day weekend!
By the way
11 years ago
Your VBS sounds like alot of fun! Right now as I'm sitting @ our computer I hear neighbors shooting off fireworks plus Winding Trails must be having their fireworks display tonight, too! So much noise! Well, the 4th of July only comes once a year, right? We had a good time @ the Fus's today. Tomorrow's Ari's birthday party! Yaaaaaay! Love you, Mary! Give our love to Josh, too! Give Matthew a BIG hug & kiss from Gramma & Grampa!
Computers are great...until they break. Then it's a big pain. At least you'll get a nice, new computer out of the deal, though.
Sounds like VBS was a success...great job! And Matthew cooperated nicely, good boy! Can't wait to see Josh getting hit by a water balloon :)
Sooo... did you get a new computer yet? Huh? Huh? Didja? :D
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