Monday, July 21, 2008

Another Video and a Big Weekend

Isn't he the cutest? Of course I'm a little partial, since I am his mom and all.

Josh thinks I take too many pictures of him. I don't know what he's talking about ;) Anyways... at the end of last week I finally managed to get Matthew on a nap schedule. I've been trying for weeks, but he's such a booger about taking naps. He just cries and cries instead of sleeping. I guess a combo of my hard work and his maturity was the trick. Something in his brain clicked, or he was too tired to fight much, and he started falling asleep after crying for only 15 or 20 minutes. I was so exicted and relieved that this is finally working, but it got all messed up on the weekend. So it's back to square one. Last night Matthew just kept crying and crying instead of going to bed. He didn't fall asleep (and we didn't either) until 11:30pm. He's been trying this new thing of not crying, but screaming, for us. He screams like he's hurt or it's the end of the world. What must the neighbors think? We've decided to just ignore him when he does this. At first we thought, ok, we need to go in there to try to get him to stop, cause screaming is not acceptable. But then he learns that when he screams, mommy and daddy come in the room. So if we ignore him, he'll learn that, hey, I'm screaming and they aren't coming. Guess it won't work anymore. And that seemed to work last night for bedtime. I'm sure he'll try it again for his naps today, but he's not gonna get away with it. I know babies are supposed to cry so we know they need something, but trust me, this is not normal crying. This is a little baby growing smarter each day and testing his limits. Little booger ;)

The weekend was full of fun and family. We had a baby shower for my sis-in-law who is due in August. She got a nice variety of gifts, and we ate lots of cake, punch, and ice cream. We even had bananas and brownies for those who wanted to make banana splits or brownie sundaes. We did a butterfly theme, since that is the theme of her nursery, and we chose pink and purple for the colors. Very appropriate for a baby girl. Two of Josh's aunts and three cousins came for the weekend, so they got to meet little Matthew. One aunt said he was so cute that she wanted to "bite his cheeks off." I'm really glad she didn't though ;). The guys went to an air show while we had the shower, and we all spent time at the house afterwards. Matthew got lots of attention and he fell asleep very easily in the car and at the apartment that night.

Here's one of the centerpieces on the table. And below that is the cake.

I made this diaper wreath for her, and I got the idea from my other sis-in-law who's pregnant. Somebody made one for her at her baby shower, and I thought it would be easier than a diaper cake. It took less diapers anyway, and it turned out really cute. And I don't know why that tablecloth looks blue, cause it's actually dark purple.

And speaking of cute, there's Sarah! And two aunts loving on Matthew.

I even spoke at the shower. I'm not quite a seasoned mother, but I thought I could give Sarah the "new mom" perspective and just encourage her with some verses that have helped me. Thus concludes and full and crazy weekend.


Janelle said...

Aw! I love the video! His laugh is sooooo cute! Your laugh was cute too:) I am glad that shower went well and that you gave a great "new mommy" speech. I hope Matthew gets back on his nap schedule soon. Love ya!

Moz + Pam said...

Great video of Matthew laughing at you as you amuse him! Hee, hee! What a great job you did on your diaper wreath! I'm impressed! Hopefully Matthew gets back to his good nap & sleep patterns ASAP! Love you Mary-girl! I'm so proud of the great mommy you make!

Sara said...

I am so behind on commenting on your blog! I've been reading, but not commenting. Anyway...

Dude, he looks SO much like Josh in a few of those pics. I still totally see you in him, but now I see why people see Josh in him too.

Pfft, you can never take too many pics--Josh doesn't know what he's talking about. Tell him to SHUT UP. :D

I'm glad he's doing better with napping! I'm dreading the day Ari gives up her naps, lol--it's nice to know that you'll have at least a small block of quiet-ish time in the day.

Yeh, why do people always talk about wanting to eat babies when they think they are cute? I know it's just a figure of speech, but I've always found it funny. I also find it funny the way kids think it's hilarious when you pretend to nibble on them--you would think it would be scary! :)

Nice diaper wreath! That's cool that you were the speaker at the shower too.

Unknown said...

Haven't checked ur blog in a few weeks...been busy this summer! Wow, Matthew is getting so big! He looks like a lil man. :)

Hope ur summer is going well!

Dave + Jess said...

The diaper wreath you made came out so well, Mary!! Great job! I haven't disassembled mine yet, it's just too cute.

D and I watched the video of Matthew laughing a few times...and we were laughing right along with him. How cute is he?!?!?!?!

How is the napping going? I'm sure he'll get the schedule down again. Crying it out seemed to work, good for you for sticking to it even though it must have been hard. I hope I can do that, I sure don't want a spoiled child. Give those Matthew cheeks lots of kisses from us!

Kathie said...

Matthew is so cute. Hope he is back to napping and sleeping soon. You need that nap time to get things done, I'm sure.
Blessings from Costa Rica

Christi said...

Great video - what a cute laugh!! You can NEVER take TOO many pictures :-) heehee!! Hope he gets back to the napping schedule soon.