Anyway, we got our first real snowfall overnight and this is what I woke up to yesterday :) It looked so pretty, and it wasn't an ice storm, so the roads weren't even that bad. We got probably two inches. Josh had a long time getting to work in the morning, but that's cause it was still coming down, which makes the roads slick.
In baby news, Josh felt the baby kick! Usually after dinner the baby is pretty active while we're watching TV or an episode of Smallville, and this time was no different. So, I had Josh put his hand on my belly in case the baby wanted to kick really hard. There were a couple movements and I asked if he felt that and he said no. But then there were two more forceful kicks, and he felt them at the tip of his fingers. He said it felt like a little punch, and he thought it was cool. He had the cutest smile on his face too. So, now that he's interacted with our kid, he's a little freer to poke at my belly. If he's not moving, he bugs him so he'll wake up and move around. What a pest! ;)
Ah yes, and then we got our rocking chair last night. Some assembly was required, so Josh put together the bottom of it while we watched Frosty the Snowman. It's so sturdy and comfortable... I love it! The back is high enough that I can rest my head on it. And it has this pretty design at the top too. It says it's a cherry wood, but it doesn't look very red. It's more a dark brown, but I guess it has some deep red hue in it. Anyway, I can't wait to rock my baby to sleep in it and read him stories. Actually, I was rocking in it last night before bed, and when I got in bed, the baby wasn't very active, which is when he usually is. So maybe I did rock him to sleep!
And there's the baby! Man, it looks like I have a basketball under my shirt!
Oooh, pretty snow! I completely love snow when I don't have to shovel it or drive in it. Looking at snow through a window, while still in my jammies--that is when snow is perfect. :)
I'm so glad Josh finally felt the baby kick! I remember the way Tony looked when he first felt Ari--I think that's when it becomes real to them. Of course, you've been feeling the baby for a while, but now suddenly, they know what you're feeling (well, kind of, ha ha) and it sinks in. Tony just couldn't stop grinning. :)
That rocking chair is gorgeous! I love classic wooden rocking chairs... someday, I will have my Cracker Barrel rocking chair! The carving is so pretty.
Too cute about you rocking the baby to sleep. They say that's why a lot of babies are less active during the day--because your daily movements rock them to sleep. Then when you stop moving at bedtime, they want to party. :)
LOL! I laughed when I saw Sara's comment about your baby wanting to party! LOL! I love your rocking chair...the carving really adds alot! I can't wait to see it in person when we come out in the Spring! I like your sneak belly picture in the rocker & that's a cute maternity top, too! Of course I love purple! I've never seen that view from your balcony when it's snow covered! Doesn't snow make your home feel so cozy?!
I love the pic of the snow!!!! Sure hope it snows about 10 feet while we're in CT! lol
Awwww...Josh got to feel the baby! I definitely think it feels more real to our husbands when they can actually feel their offspring move around. Sadly, Steve never got to enjoy it and in a way I think it was a loss. Maybe my placenta will do right next time. lol
Love the rocking chair. It's very you and it fits you perfectly. Love the belly pic too!
This snow made everything look so pretty! I really like the picture you took, very professional looking!
I love cherry wood and your rocker is just beautiful!!! Did you get cushions for it yet? I'm sure the baby will appreciate it, too. My aunt skipped over the rocking chair part of bedtime and stuck her kids on top of the dryer while it was in motion (in a carseat, of course!). She said it was the only way to get them to sleep. I've always found that to be an amusing mental picture!
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