Friday, December 18, 2009


In all honesty, I don't think my kids really look alike. But in pictures they do, so I've decided to share some. The first will be Matthew at a couple weeks old, followed by Esther around the same age.

Sleeping on Daddy

Making a Fist


In other news, Matthew had another PT appt. today, and he was not cooperative at all. He kept saying no to everything she wanted him to do. It has become his new favorite word, and it's driving Josh and I crazy! I try to remind myself that it's just a phase, but it's a really annoying one. And I also try to remember that he says it when he means yes too, so he's not always meaning it when he says it. I'm trying to get him to understand when to say yes, but so far I haven't been successful.

For the past 2 nights Esther has been sleeping longer stretches. Like about 5 hours, which is technically defined as sleeping through the night I believe. Or maybe it's 6 hours. Either way it's nice to get a longer stretch of sleep before I have to get up with her.

I'm a little bummed because Josh thought he had the next 2 weeks off, but it turns out that he has to work Monday and Tuesday next week :(. Oh well, such is life I suppose. We're hoping to get some time to shop for a couch for our office. Right now we have our 2 Ohio State fold out chairs in there. I mean, it's great that we have seating in there finally, but I want something more permanent. It's going to be our Christmas gift to each other. Now if only we could find one we like :)

My best friend since 1st grade is staying with us overnight tonight with her husband and son. I'm so excited to see them again! I think the house is clean enough...

Have a great weekend!


Moz + Pam said...

Say HELLO to Sharon & Mike for us!

Unknown said...

Say hi to Sharon for me too---she left me a message on FB---nice to hear from her!