I'm playing catch up with pictures a little bit. So much has happened since we've been home, and I've taken tons of pictures. To start with, here are some random ones of my kids.

She's having more alert/awake times during the day now. She was so sleepy at first, which I didn't complain about.

Esther and Kate, a girl at church a few months older than her.
Please, no more pictures, they seem to say.

She looks so small next to him.

Decked out in his winter gear for a particularly cold day. He hates wearing the hat, but normally we can convince him to wear it when he's outside with the promise that it comes off in the car.

Looking so happy and goofing off with me.

Babies look so cute when they yawn.

She's thinking,
C'mon, Mom, really? What's with the hat?
This was taken 2 Sundays before Christmas I believe. Esther had a few Christmasy outfits, and I had to make sure she wore them all this month. This one was a gift from Grammy. She looks like a little Christmas present. And sheesh, Matthew looks so grown-up these days.

My best friend since 1st grade, Sharon, stopped by overnight with her husband (Mike) and son (David). They were on their way to pick up her sister and then head to see their families for the holidays. It was so nice to see her again, even if it was for a short time.

I actually caught David holding still. We put a Thomas DVD on, and he watched it for a little bit, but this kid was everywhere. He wanted to check everything out, and you couldn't take your eyes off him for a minute. They should have named him Curious George :)

First bath. I've got a video too, but I'll have to put that up some other time.

Pondering something.

And finally, so pretty in pink.
1 comment:
I love all the pictures! I have to have my Matthew & Esther fixes, don't I? ;) Glad you had such a nice visit with Sharon & she got to meet Esther, too! Coolness! :)
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