Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Events

Oh, so I was feeding Matthew some goldfish last week, and check this one out. Doesn't it look like a goldfish within a goldfish? I'm thinking of selling it on EBay.

Just a crazy close up for your viewing pleasure.

Pausing a wrestling match for a smile at the camera.

Whee! So much fun!

He learned a new sign the other day. I've been showing him the sign for music forever, and he finally copied me. What you do is hold out one arm and sweep your hand across it, almost like you're directing a song, or shooing a fly away. Anyways, here's Matthew doing it.

First Haircut

Hi Mom! I'm on my way to my first haircut, and since I don't know what to expect, I've got a big smile on my face :)

Getting prepped for my new do.

Um, I'm not too sure what this lady's doing to me. Why does she keep touching my head?

Oh look! A Baby Einstein video! Cool!

A view from the back..

...and the front. Voila!

They even gave him a balloon and a certificate. It was a really cute place called Kiddie Kuts. A little pricey, but we had a coupon, and we were pleased with the results.

And unfortunately I didn't take any pictures on Mother's Day. I really meant to at least get a pic of Matthew and I together, but oh well. We have the memories I suppose. Josh's family came over after the morning service, and we enjoyed lasagna, salad, rolls, and banana pudding for dessert. All in all, it was a fun day and a good weekend.


Janelle said...

Aw, his haircut looks good. Hope you had a happy Mother's Day!

Christi said...

Love the goldfish pic!! You could make a fortune on Ebay with that - lol!!

Looks like Matthew did great at his haircut - and his hair looks great!! :-)

Moz + Pam said...

Wow! Cool goldfish if you can keep it from breaking! Awww his very first haircut! I like how you're teaching him sign language, too! He's such a cutie!

dave + jess said...

Matthew looks so grown up with his new haircut!! Looks like he might have almost enjoyed the experience? Who wouldn't with Baby Einstein?!

I just got an email from eBay saying that you can list 5 items for free every 30 days, so you can see if that goldfish will sell :).

You can always take a picture of you and Matthew now for Mother's Day. I wanted to take a picture with Micah, too, but forgot in all the running around we did on Sunday. What's a few days? No one will ever know! :)

Sara said...

Dude, that goldfish is so creepy-cool.

Aww, his first haircut already? :)