See that kidney-shaped blob above? That's our second little one all cozy and comfy inside of me. My due date is December 5th, and that's pretty much all the updates I have on Buckeye Baby #2. When I hit 3 months pregnant I'll start having Josh take some belly pictures.
I've been feeling so-so. I usually don't feel good in the morning for a couple hours. I remember a little morning sickness when I was pregnant with Matthew, and this time around seems a little worse. But that could just be because I have a child to take care of. I can't just sleep it off or lay down whenever I want, you know? But still, overall it's not that bad, and I think it's actually subsiding anyway. I don't feel sick every morning lately, so that's a good sign for me :).
Matthew's being a goofball in these pics. Just above this he was making faces in the oven door for me. He is a wonderful little boy, but I have to be honest with you. Ever since he turned one he's become Mr. Attitude. He may not officially be a toddler yet, but he's got the tantrums and opinions of one. It kind of surprised me, because he's always been easy-going and laid back. But now he protests if I try to sit him down and he'd rather be held. If I tell him no when he's touching something he shouldn't, he looks right at me, and goes right back to touching it anyway. And then when I remove from the situation, he'll kick his legs and put up a short fuss.
Meal times have been interesting too. On the plus side, no more baby food! He eats pretty much all the foods we eat, though Gerber makes these Graduate meals that come in handy if we're at church or the mall or something like that. He likes waffles, applesauce, mac 'n' cheez, hamburger helper, yogurt, grilled cheese, tuna helper, fish sticks, and the list goes on. Oh, I was going to tell you how meal time is interesting. He's got a good memory, which is developmentally wonderful, but since he can't talk yet, he can get frustrated when I don't know what he wants. For instance, I may have a waffle and milk on the table for him, but he'll sign "more." I try to give him more waffle, but he shakes his head. He signs "more" again and points towards the frig. "Do you want yogurt?" Then he gets all excited. So even though I don't have the yogurt out for him to see, he knows where it is and wants it. It's great to watch him growing and learning. But it has its disadvantages. I mistakenly had a bag of goldfish out on the table at breakfast, and he wanted some (they are his current favorite snack). But goldfish isn't a breakfast food, so I hid them. Well, he knew where I put them and kept pointing at them. And when I'd say no, he threw a fit and started crying his eyes out. I didn't give in, cause I knew he'd be eating them later at lunch or snacktime, so it's not like I was permanently depriving him. I guess it's hard for little kids to learn the concept that instant gratification doesn't always happen. But he's a sweet little kid, and I'm learning how to read him. Just as he's learning from me where his limits are. It's gonna be an exciting road ahead of us.
And here are some videos Josh took last night. Matthew loves to walk around by holding onto the coffee table or our fingers. He's had this walker toy for a while now, but just yesterday we were showing him this way to use it, and now he loves it.
Oh congrates!! That's so cool... I bet the little one will be as cute as Matthew.
I was showing Hannah the videos and just before you said he looks like an old man with a walker, Hannah said the same thing. I told her to listen and then she laughed. She said of the last video, "Awww, he is growing up."
Look at how cute Matthew is!! I'm in the market for one of those "old man" walkers for my little man. He pushes his play table along, so I figure he'd know how to use one of those things. Once Upon A Child, here I come!
Matthew looks so grown up in the videos, just like a big brother! Are you going to find out the gender of my newest niece/nephew? S/he looks too adorable already!
What a cute ultrasound of my newest grandbaby! Good job, Mary walking on your knees in the video! You're right Matthew does like a little old man with his walker. He and his greatgrampa should get together!
Ha!! Goldfish are Isabella's favorite too. One Saturday morning before we went down for breakfast - her first 4 words were: "Play, Eat, Fish, Juice." She always wants fish and juice - lol.
Isn't it fun when you figure out what they are wanting even when you can't quite understand?? It's like it hits you that you really know your child and you are connecting!! :-)
I haven't got to watch the videos yet - I'll have to watch them later. But I love the pic where he's cheesing at you real big!! :-) Too Cute!!
Oh, Mare... the stories I could tell you about Ari and her attitude, lol. I have a theory that girls are worse about that stuff than boys are, but who knows. ;) As an example... just the other day, when I was in the middle of talking to her, she quite snottily said, "Don't talk to me. Leave me alone." So we have been having a LOT of convesations lately about rudeness and attitudes, etc. Fun, fun... :)
I always say... she's lucky she's so cute! :)
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