Monday, March 23, 2009

More Pictures (Whadya Expect?)

My quirky-faced child.

Reading books, his favorite thing to do currently. Seriously, I'll set him by his toys, and he'll bypass them all just to get into his books. I wonder if we'll have a scholar on our hands.

Guess who noticed the camera ;)

Somebody found Daddy's headphones. These are for when he goes shooting (Josh, not Matthew), but they also can work when Matthew is crying in the middle of the night and won't go back to sleep, like last night, for instance.

Raise your hand if you were awake for 3 1/2 hours last night... Matthew's parents most definitely fit into that category. Last night Matthew woke up at 1am and didn't fall back asleep until 4:30. Josh and I tag-teamed, which would explain why we are both sleep-walking around today. We tried it all, a fresh diaper, the temp of the room, the temp of his forehead, letting him cry himself to sleep, rocking him to sleep. He wasn't sick, he wasn't teething. He'd fall asleep in our arms, but once we put him down and left the room, he'd start to cry all over again, and we were back to square one. Finally we gave him Tylenol to make him drowsy and I nursed him to fill his tummy and make him sleepy, and only then did we have success. It's one thing to have a newborn keep you up all night. It's expected, and you're used to the few hours of sleep you're living on. But when an almost one-year-old won't sleep, it gets you frustrated and angry and unbelievable worn-out. Thankfully it's not a common occurence, but I very much wish it wouldn't happen at all.

Ok, onto more pictures...

Enjoying his new music table. It was a Christmas gift from my mom, but I didn't open it right away cause the age on it said 1+. I thought he'd have to stand by it to play with it, but when Josh assembled it, we found it was short enough that he could sit and have fun. It's got a piano that he likes to play.

Um, I don't have words for this one.

Camera shy? Yeah, right.

Some favorites

Being goofy with a straw at Bob Evans one morning. They have the best breakfast ever!

Another goofy one. Look at that long tongue!

Mommy and Matthew playing together.

Current family picture. Our friend Janelle snapped this for us at church one Sunday morning.

I saved the best for last...I just love his expression in this photo.


Janelle said...

Aw, I am sorry you were up half of the night:(

Sara said...

Awww, I love the pic of you and him nose-to-nose. :)

And that last one is great. What a Mary-face that is!

Ari is like that, too, with books... sometimes I think she prefers them to her toys. Which is fine with me! I hope she becomes a good reader. Or... stays a good reader. Whatever. You know what I mean. :)

We've had a few nights here and there where Ari refuses to go to sleep. Who knows what gets into them sometimes. Sorry you had such a rough night... here's hoping they are few and far between.

Moz + Pam said...

Hope you can sleep through the night tonight! It's hard catching up on lost sleep! Love both the one of you & Matty nose to nose & the last pic is such a Mary face!