Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Four Months Old

Here is a video of our big little baby! I can't believe he's four months old already! There's not much to report, just that he can hold his head up better--more steady and for longer periods. And as you'll see in this video, this is typical of what he does when we give him a bath...

...all he does is kick, kick, and kick some more. He barely holds still enough for us to wash him decently. But it's cute and he's having fun, so we don't mind :) And this next one is short and kinda funny. Let me just say that we are just great parents, and we totally know how to take care of our child ;)

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Beautiful Moment

Sunday, July 27th

8:45pm I've begun to feed Matthew for his last meal this evening.

9:15pm He's done eating and relaxes in my arms for a little while. He has that tired look in his eyes.

9:30pm Ni-night, Matthew. I lay him in his crib on his belly, turn off the lamp, and leave the room.

The next 20 minutes... Josh and I hear some whining and low moans from the nursery. We go in to check our e-mail before bed and peek over at Matthew. We assume he's rolled over, since he is compeletely capable of doing so. But it's not the case here. He's still on his belly making his noises and settling himself down.

9:45pm The noises from the crib stop. I expect some full-on crying in a couple seconds. As I lean over the silent crib I am shocked by an unexpected vision. Baby limbs are spread out in all directions as he breathes slow and deep. I watch his back rise and fall in a peaceful rhythm. Dark, long eyelashes rest calmly against his cheeks, and little hands are curled in tiny fists.

Matthew fell asleep all by himself! I am beyond excited by this happening, and I keep smiling about it for the rest of the night. My little boy is growing up before my eyes.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Just Some Pics

Ooh, Mom's got a camera.

My, what chubby legs you have!

Mom, don't dangle those links in my face! I'm busy with Mr. Rooster. (this is his new thing--he's sucking on his lower lip)

So studious. I love this little face.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Another Video and a Big Weekend

Isn't he the cutest? Of course I'm a little partial, since I am his mom and all.

Josh thinks I take too many pictures of him. I don't know what he's talking about ;) Anyways... at the end of last week I finally managed to get Matthew on a nap schedule. I've been trying for weeks, but he's such a booger about taking naps. He just cries and cries instead of sleeping. I guess a combo of my hard work and his maturity was the trick. Something in his brain clicked, or he was too tired to fight much, and he started falling asleep after crying for only 15 or 20 minutes. I was so exicted and relieved that this is finally working, but it got all messed up on the weekend. So it's back to square one. Last night Matthew just kept crying and crying instead of going to bed. He didn't fall asleep (and we didn't either) until 11:30pm. He's been trying this new thing of not crying, but screaming, for us. He screams like he's hurt or it's the end of the world. What must the neighbors think? We've decided to just ignore him when he does this. At first we thought, ok, we need to go in there to try to get him to stop, cause screaming is not acceptable. But then he learns that when he screams, mommy and daddy come in the room. So if we ignore him, he'll learn that, hey, I'm screaming and they aren't coming. Guess it won't work anymore. And that seemed to work last night for bedtime. I'm sure he'll try it again for his naps today, but he's not gonna get away with it. I know babies are supposed to cry so we know they need something, but trust me, this is not normal crying. This is a little baby growing smarter each day and testing his limits. Little booger ;)

The weekend was full of fun and family. We had a baby shower for my sis-in-law who is due in August. She got a nice variety of gifts, and we ate lots of cake, punch, and ice cream. We even had bananas and brownies for those who wanted to make banana splits or brownie sundaes. We did a butterfly theme, since that is the theme of her nursery, and we chose pink and purple for the colors. Very appropriate for a baby girl. Two of Josh's aunts and three cousins came for the weekend, so they got to meet little Matthew. One aunt said he was so cute that she wanted to "bite his cheeks off." I'm really glad she didn't though ;). The guys went to an air show while we had the shower, and we all spent time at the house afterwards. Matthew got lots of attention and he fell asleep very easily in the car and at the apartment that night.

Here's one of the centerpieces on the table. And below that is the cake.

I made this diaper wreath for her, and I got the idea from my other sis-in-law who's pregnant. Somebody made one for her at her baby shower, and I thought it would be easier than a diaper cake. It took less diapers anyway, and it turned out really cute. And I don't know why that tablecloth looks blue, cause it's actually dark purple.

And speaking of cute, there's Sarah! And two aunts loving on Matthew.

I even spoke at the shower. I'm not quite a seasoned mother, but I thought I could give Sarah the "new mom" perspective and just encourage her with some verses that have helped me. Thus concludes and full and crazy weekend.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Giggle Fun

We gave Matthew a bath the other night, and he rewarded us with some cute baby giggles. He's been doing it more lately. Not of his own accord, but once he's provoked, if he's in the right mood and we've hit the right tickle spot, he'll give us a couple of laughs.

And here's a pic I took the other day. As you can see he can get himself on his side if he sees something interesting next to him. A big stuffed Nemo has caught his eye here--it's just not in the picture.

I love this last one. He looks so joyful :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Matthew's New Game

Remember way back when Matthew liked to stick his tongue out at us? Well, that's just a distant pastime. As you'll see in this video, he really likes kisses, especially from his daddy.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm Back!!

Our new computer arrived in the mail today, so Josh got us all set up and ready for action. I did lose some Matthew pictures, but we're not sure how it happened. Josh got everything off the old hard drive, so I say the evil computer ate them when it died. I think I only lost a Disney photo shoot I did with him. I had him dressed in a Nemo outfit and posed him with a stuffed Nemo and stuffed Little Squirt. I'm kinda bummed I lost them, but he still fits that outfit, so I can always retake them, you know? Anyway, my baby is three months old! This is him on the day he turned three months.

On this day he weighed 17 1/2 lbs. and was 26" long. Oh, and this outfit he's wearing? Yeah, it's a six month size. Say hello to Matthew Monster! ;) He's been doing some new things these days. When we put him under his play gym, he reaches for the toys hanging above him. He can't quite grab them all the time, but sometimes he managed to get his fingers through the loops. If all else fails, he at least bats at them and makes them jingle, which he likes to hear.

He likes to be on his belly on occasion. We'll flip him over, and usually he'll flip right back onto his back, but there are times when I can play with him belly-down. I get right down on the floor with him and tickle the backs of his thighs to make him smile. I've put him on his belly using the boppy, and at first he tries to roll over. If he's not in a good mood, he'll start to fuss cause he can't get over, but there've been a couple days where he'll stay content for a while and actually lift his head to look at me or a toy or just the room. I think he's noticed the new perspective and enjoys it for a while.

Oh, and his newest trick has been developing this week. Well, it's a partial trick. Meaning, it's not a complete milestone, but it's a small step towards one. When he's on his back and there's a colorful toy nearby, we've caught him trying to push off one foot to get closer to it. He gets his upper body sideways, but he's not strong enough to get his butt and legs over. He's close, and once he gets that, I'll really have to keep an eye on him, cause he'll officially be mobile! Oh, and take a look at this next picture. Isn't his expression priceless? :)

Here's his outfit for VBS. We did an island theme, and I found this at Wal-Mart for $2!

Let's see, what else can I show you? Oh, I took this pic in the car. This is typical of our car rides. Within ten minutes at the most, he's conked out.

Having fun with Daddy at Bob Evans one morning.

Watching a Baby Einstein DVD in some adorable overalls (which he'll only wear this once cause they were very snug on him)

Enjoying his swing and actually reaching for the fun characters in front of him. Up until now he's only noticed the dudes hanging over his seat.

Being very patient while Mommy takes dozens of pictures in an attempt to get is perfect. Yeah, it's off center, but both our faces are in it, and Matthew looks pleasant, so I'll say it was successful. Yeah, I don't know why this picture is turned sideways. Just tilt your head :).

Friday, July 4, 2008

Off the Radar

Hi folks! Yeah, I haven't been on the computer in a week. Who knew one could survive without such an integral piece of technology in this day and age? Our computer broke, which is why I haven't been dipping into blog land these days. We just ordered one today, so once Dell builds it and sends it to us, I'll be back in business. I'm using Josh's work computer for now, but of course he has it with him during the day, and in the evening I'm usually too tired or too busy to blog. And plus none of my Matthew pictures are on his computer, and there's just too much effort involved. I know I know, I'm lazy. I've got some cute pics of our baby that I will put up eventually.

We've also been busy with our church's VBS this week. Josh runs the show, and I'm in charge of the music. I thought it would difficult to juggle my responsibilities with having a baby to feed and take care of, but it worked out pretty good. I'd feed him when we arrived at church, and then I'd hand him off to one of his aunts while I taught the kids the songs. Then I'd at least check on him to make sure he wasn't crying, and then I'd either take him back or let them keep watching him while I sat with the kids during the Bible verse and lesson and stuff. Our theme was Outrigger Island, so we decorated the stage with Hawaiian and island things, and it turned out pretty good. On the last night Josh let all the kids throw one water balloon at him, and I've got that on video. Maybe I'll have to post that. The water balloons came after he got two cream pies in his face :)

Happy 4th everyone! Enjoy the three-day weekend!