Our new computer arrived in the mail today, so Josh got us all set up and ready for action. I did lose some Matthew pictures, but we're not sure how it happened. Josh got everything off the old hard drive, so I say the evil computer ate them when it died. I think I only lost a Disney photo shoot I did with him. I had him dressed in a Nemo outfit and posed him with a stuffed Nemo and stuffed Little Squirt. I'm kinda bummed I lost them, but he still fits that outfit, so I can always retake them, you know? Anyway, my baby is three months old! This is him on the day he turned three months.

On this day he weighed 17 1/2 lbs. and was 26" long. Oh, and this outfit he's wearing? Yeah, it's a six month size. Say hello to Matthew Monster! ;) He's been doing some new things these days. When we put him under his play gym, he reaches for the toys hanging above him. He can't quite grab them all the time, but sometimes he managed to get his fingers through the loops. If all else fails, he at least bats at them and makes them jingle, which he likes to hear.

He likes to be on his belly on occasion. We'll flip him over, and usually he'll flip right back onto his back, but there are times when I can play with him belly-down. I get right down on the floor with him and tickle the backs of his thighs to make him smile. I've put him on his belly using the boppy, and at first he tries to roll over. If he's not in a good mood, he'll start to fuss cause he can't get over, but there've been a couple days where he'll stay content for a while and actually lift his head to look at me or a toy or just the room. I think he's noticed the new perspective and enjoys it for a while.

Oh, and his newest trick has been developing this week. Well, it's a partial trick. Meaning, it's not a complete milestone, but it's a small step towards one. When he's on his back and there's a colorful toy nearby, we've caught him trying to push off one foot to get closer to it. He gets his upper body sideways, but he's not strong enough to get his butt and legs over. He's close, and once he gets that, I'll really have to keep an eye on him, cause he'll officially be mobile! Oh, and take a look at this next picture. Isn't his expression priceless? :)

Here's his outfit for VBS. We did an island theme, and I found this at Wal-Mart for $2!

Let's see, what else can I show you? Oh, I took this pic in the car. This is typical of our car rides. Within ten minutes at the most, he's conked out.

Having fun with Daddy at Bob Evans one morning.

Watching a Baby Einstein DVD in some adorable overalls (which he'll only wear this once cause they were very snug on him)

Enjoying his swing and actually reaching for the fun characters in front of him. Up until now he's only noticed the dudes hanging over his seat.

Being very patient while Mommy takes dozens of pictures in an attempt to get is perfect. Yeah, it's off center, but both our faces are in it, and Matthew looks pleasant, so I'll say it was successful. Yeah, I don't know why this picture is turned sideways. Just tilt your head :).