The top picture is from three months, and the one below it is my new four-month belly picture! It looks rounder, more like there's a baby in there as opposed to just ugly fat. Size-wise, they look the same in these pictures, but I really do stick out more these days, to the point where people can actually tell I'm pregnant, even when I'm wearing looser clothing. And since people now notice, I have experienced what my sister has warned me about. There's something about a pregnant belly that makes people want to touch it! Maybe there's a magnet in there somewhere, I don't know. The other day we were at a church fellowship that a family in our church hosted, and they had some people there that weren't from the church, so I didn't know them. When they were told I was pregnant, suddenly their face lights up and I hear "Ohhh! that's great!" As they say this, their hand reaches out and gets closer and closer until contact is made. In my head I'm thinking, Um, I don't even know you, lady! I really don't mind if people I know touch my belly--it's the strangers that touch that's kinda weird. See, with people I know, like family and friends from church and stuff, I know that they are excited right along with us, and I guess there's just something incredible about being so close to a miracle. So yes, personal space is a nice thing, but bring on the belly rubs! (within reason, of course) :)
My second trimester is easier than the first in comparison to having the I feel yucky days. Ah, but don't be easily fooled, because new things have cropped up, which of course just add to my all-round experience as a first-time pregnant lady. Where shall I begin? Let's talk about food. I like food, and I seem to be hungrier for it these days. Say I have lunch, like any other normal person. But for me, and hour or two later, I'm hungry again, just as if I'd not eaten at all. And on Sunday nights before I was pregnant, I had no problem waiting to eat supper after church. But now, I am hungry half-way through the night and I feel like I'm gonna die if I don't eat! Ok, it's not that extreme, but it's there just the same. I need to start packing granola bars in my purse or something, because I can get grumpy if I haven't eaten. Oh, and with the hunger comes impatience. Sunday morning after service I needed to practice a song with my pianist. She told me she needed to get a drink and would be right back, so I went to the front of the church to wait for her. Well, twenty seconds into waiting I was so ready to just leave and go home to eat. I didn't want to practice, I didn't want to wait any longer--all I wanted was food. And it's not like I was mad at her for keeping me waiting. Food was just more important to me at the time :).
Talking about food leads into my next subject--I don't cry over spilled milk, but this weekend I did cry over squashed brownies. Josh and I were on our way to the church fellowship I spoke of earlier. We brought a bottle of 7-Up that I put on the back seat, and I also made a lovely tray of brownies with Reese's PB cups interspersed on the plate. These I put on the floor of the car. So, this is basically all my fault, but that's besides the point. Josh had to stop fast on the road, which sent the soda pop right onto the floor and flattening my brownies. Josh retrieved them and handed them to me and I just stared at the mess. Two levels of brownies had been crushed into one, and at that moment, it was the most devastating thing in the world. I broke into many tears.
Josh, they are ruined! They were so perfect and they looked so pretty and now they look retarded!
And my wonderful husband just took my hand and said It's ok, you don't need to cry over it, it's ok.
He just kept holding my hand and rubbing my fingers until I calmed down enough to realize how stupid I am for crying over brownies. Then I just laughed at myself, cause somebody had to do it :)
And for my final new experience, I ache like and old woman sometimes. My back gets sore, my neck gets tight, my hip feels funky. I'm falling apart and I'm only 24! The aches aren't always there, but they do like to come and go as they please. Sometimes I'm slow to get up after sitting for a while, or I get stiff if I've been standing too long. And lately I just can't seem to get comfortable in bed when I'm trying to sleep. It's been frustrating, but I know it's a sign of things to come. When I look more like a whale than a human, I'll wish these little inconveniences were back. I can only imagine how I'll feel carrying around a 9-month belly :).
Oh my - I can't believe that brownie story - it's so funny. I mean now that it's all over of course :-) Sounds like Josh handled it perfectly!! Brad's family were always the touchy feely ones wanting to feel my belly - I never did get used to that!! All the aches and pains - sooooooo worth it!! :-)
Too bad about the brownies, but I'm sure they tasted good no matter how they looked.
I always wanted people to touch my baby belly because it's something Hondurans do alot because having a baby is special. But I only remember one person besides Steve touching my baby belly. It's one of those things that make me sad about my pregnancy.
Ahh, I remember those aches alike an old woman days. Do you remember when I'd get up from sitting on the sofa sometimes and I'd say "I feel like an old woman."? lol Believe me, the aches are totally worth the precious little gift from God at the end of those 9 months.
Love you guys.
Isn't it funny how your belly changes shape as well as just size? You're right--it definitely looks more like a pregnant belly now.
I like how you said "I guess there's just something incredible about being so close to a miracle." I never thought about it that way. But, still--just ask before you touch, people! ;)
I remember those feelings of being hungry all the time. And I remember being like that even after I gave birth, lol--guess it became such a habit to eat all the time that my body was still demanding food.
Aww about the brownies. Pregnant or not, I get pretty upset when I screw up something I cooked/baked--esp. if it's something I'm normally good at making. I'm not a great cook as it is, so when things go wrong, I just get all sad. Remind me to tell you the story of how I set our stove burner on fire just the other day. ;) Tony was all impressed with how cool and collected I was, but the truth is, I was just trying hard not to cry. ;)
Ohhhh, I remember the aches and pains--and yes, they get worse, but in a way, you kind of get used to them, if that makes any sense. They make these awesome body pillows designed esp. for pregnant women--might be worth looking into. They're a bit pricey, but then again, your sleep is valuable, right? And you need all the sleep you can get right now!
Love you, sis!
I love your pregnant belly, btw. I completely forgot to mention it. Isn't it cool how you look more preggie?!?!
Too bad about the brownies but I bet they still taste delicious! :)
I can see how your belly's growing! As far as hip discomfort...it's a medical fact that your hips & pelvis get looser to allow for the baby to be born. It's all perfectly normal. I remember feeling like my hip just wasn't right. Dad reassured me it was all normal!
You have the cutest baby belly!!! I don't think, matter of fact, I know, I wouldn't like strangers touching my stomach without asking. I think people are just so happy for you that they can't help it, so at least they mean it as a good thing, right?!
It sounds like Josh is being such a good husband in the midst of your raging hormones. It probably makes it easier...I hope anyway!
I agree with Sara, the body pillow sounds like a great idea. I remember my aunt saying that's what she used and she couldn't imagine the last few months without it. I had a body pillow before I was married, it was super comfy. Now I just use David :)!
About being hungry, that was one of the ways I could tell something was up (that I was pregnant). I never had any morning sickness, but my appetite rapidly changed! I would come home from work STARVING! I sat down on the couch one afternoon after work with a can of Pringles in my hand and began to eat the entire can! Halfway through the can I stopped, looked at the can, and asked myself, "What in the world am I doing?! What is wrong w/ me?!" About a week later, I finally mustered up the courage to take a pregnancy test. A lot of people couldn't tell I was pregnant til I was like 5 months along too, which was pretty amusing to me. I wanted Dylan to stick out more and I actually wanted to show off my tummy! And I always packed granola bars esp. on Sundays at church. I confess, sometimes I went into the bathroom to eat a granola bar just to get me through the services. But I hated to get up multiple times during the service to go the bathroom! That was the hardest thing cuz it seemed like I always had to go!
I got emotional a lot during my pregnancy too. I cried over the stupidiest things.
I felt pretty good physically while I was pregnant and I worked up until I had Dylan. When I got really big toward the end, it was really uncomfortable though...rolling in and out of bed, getting up from the couch etc. Wait til you're 9 months along!
FYI--Martha had little Matthew on Oct. 27th! I'm not sure how big he was, but there are pics on Martha's FB account. You should check them out via ur hubby's FB account! :)
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